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  1. Cluster Chain:

  2. Cohesivenss:

  3. Elaborating:

  4. Electronic Grapevine:

  5. Filtering:

  6. Grapvine:

  7. Informal Leader:

  8. Informal Organization:

  9. Informal Power:

  10. Liaison Individuals:

  11. Norms:

  12. Reference Group:

  13. Rumor:

  14. Sanctions:

  15. Socciograms:

  16. Sociometry:


Informal Organizations

Cluster Chain:

Grapevine chain in which one person tells several others, and a few of those te;; more than one person.


the degree to which employees sticktogether, rely on one another, and desire to remain memebers of a group.


Adding one's own strong feelings and reasoning to a communcation.

Electronic Grapevine:

The transmission of informal messages by the use of computers.


Reducing a communcation to a few basic details that can be remembered and passed on to others.


Communcation system of informal organizations.

Informal Leader:

Persons who have the largest amount of status in the informal organization, and emerge to exhibit influnce on informal group members.

Informal Organization:

Network of personal and social relations not estabished or required by the formal organization, but arising spontaneously as people assoicate with one another.

Informal Power:

Is personal, but formal authority is insitutional.

Liaison Individuals:

Persons who are active communicators on the grapevine.


Informal group requirement for the behavior of its members.

Reference Group:

Group whoose norms a person accept.


Grapevine information tht is communicated without secure standards od evidence being present.


Rewards and penalities that a group uses to persude persons to conform to its norms.


Diagram of the feelings of group members toward one another.


Study and measurement of feelings of group members towardone another.