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  1. Collectivism:

  2. Cross Communcation:

  3. Culture:

  4. Cultural Contingency:

  5. Cultural Distance:

  6. Cultural Empathy:

  7. Cultural Shock:

  8. Ethomecentrism:

  9. Expatriates:

  10. Feminine Societies:

  11. Geocentric Organizations:

  12. Individualism:

  13. Individualization:

  14. Masculine Societies:

  15. Multiculturalism:

  16. Multinational Organization:

  17. Parochialism:

  18. Power Distance:

  19. Reverse cultural Shock:

  20. Sensitivity Training:

  21. Theory Z:

  22. Training Multiplier Effect:

  23. Transcultural Employees:

  24. Uncertainty Avoidance:

  25. Xenophobia:


International Dimensions ofOrganizational Behavior


The process of placing heavy emphasis on the group and valuing harmony among members.

Cross Communcation:

Communcations across chains of command also lateral communcations.


See Organizational culture; the set of values, beliefs, and norms that is shared among its memders. And Social culture; Social environment of himan&-created beliefs, customs, knowledge, and practices that conventional behavior in a society.

Cultural Contingency:

That the most productive practices for a particular nation will depend heavily on its culture.

Cultural Distance:

The amount of difference between any two social systems.

Cultural Empathy:

Awareness and apprecation of differences across cultures and the way those differences effect business relationships.

Cultural Shock:

Feeling of confusion, insecurity, and anixety caused by a starnge new environment.


A predispostion to use oneself as the criterion for judging others.


Employees who work in a nation (and culture) different from their own.

Feminine Societies:

Societies characterized by a border viewpoint of the great varity of roles that both nales and females can play in the workplace and at home.

Geocentric Organizations:

Those which largely ignore nationally while accenting ability in their work related decisions.


The process of placing greatest emphasis on  one's individual rights and freedoms.


The process through which employees successfully exert influence on the socail system around them.

Masculine Societies:

Those defining gender roles in traditional and sterotypical ways.


The successful bwlwnding of two or more cultures when employees from each interact on a regular basis.

Multinational Organization:

Those organizations which do business in more than one country.


The act of people "seeing" the situation aroynd them from their own perspective.

Power Distance:

Belief that there are strong and legtimate decision making rights separating managers and employers.

Reverse cultural Shock:

The difficutly experienced by expatriates in readjusting to the surroundings of their home country upon their reentry.

Sensitivity Training:

See Encounter group; Unstrutured small&-group interaction under stress in asitution that requires people to become senstive to one another's feelings.

Theory Z:

Model that adapts the elements of Japanses managem,ent systems to the U.S. culture and empasizes cooperation and consensus decision process.

Training Multiplier Effect:

The process by which skilled people develop improved communcations  and human relationships.

Transcultural Employees:

Indivduals who have learned to operate effectivly in several cultures.

Uncertainty Avoidance:

Lack of comfort with ambiguity that drives some employees to avoid and seek clarity.


Fear and rejection of ideas and things foriegn to a person.