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  1. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome:

  2. Affirmative Action:

  3. Conformity:

  4. Corrective Discpline:

  5. Discipline:

  6. Discharge:

  7. Discrimination:

  8. Drug Free Workplace Act:

  9. Due Process:

  10. Employee Assitance Program:

  11. Genetic Monitoring:

  12. Genetic Testing:

  13. Honesty Testing:

  14. Hot Stove Rule:

  15. Individual Organization Responsibilities:

  16. Learned Helplessness:

  17. Legitimacy of Organizational Influence:

  18. Organizational Citizenship:

  19. Polygraph:

  20. Preventive Discipline:

  21. Progressive Discipline:

  22. Psychological Stess Evaluater:

  23. Rights of Privacy:

  24. Sexual Harassment:

  25. Whistle Blowing:


Issues Between Organizations and Individuals:

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome:

(AIDS) A contagious viral disease of the human immue system.

Affirmative Action:

Effort by employees to increase employmeny opportunity for protected groups that appear to be inadequately represented in a firm's labor force.


Dependence on the norms of others without indenpent thinking.

Corrective Discpline:

Action taken to discourage further infractions so that further acts will be in compliance with standards.


Management action to enforce organizational standards.


Separation of an employee from the company for cause.


Biased treatment of other individuals or groups.

Drug Free Workplace Act:

Federal law requiring some employers to create and distribute to their employers policies prohibiting drug abuse at work.

Due Process:

Disciplinary procedures that show concern for the rights of the employee invovled.

Employee Assitance Program:

Program to idennity and treat the problems that are affecting employee productivity or hindering the personal well&-being of employees.

Genetic Monitoring:

Identifying harmful substances in the workplace, examining their effects on the genetic makeup of employees, and using the information for corrective action.

Genetic Testing:

The process of predicticting whether an employee may be genetically susceptible to one or more types of illness or harmful substances.

Honesty Testing:

Different methods for assessing employee integrity and propensity to engage in unethical behaviors.

Hot Stove Rule:

Disciplinary action with characteristics similar to the consequences a person suffers from touching a hot stove.

Individual Organization Responsibilities:

Each employee makes certain membership investments in the organization and expects profitable rewards in return.

Learned Helplessness:

Condition in which employees continue to act in a dependent manner even after organizational chages make greater independence possible.

Legitimacy of Organizational Influence:

A model created and shows two key variables in the model are conduct on the job or off of it and conduct that is job related or not job relatd.

Organizational Citizenship:

Employees who engage in discretionary positive social acts that promote the organization's success, such as volunteering their efforts, sharing their resources, or cooperating with others.


Instrument (lie detector) that attempts to measure the physiological changes when a person tells a significant lie.

Preventive Discipline:

Action taken to encourage employees to follow standards and rules so that infractions do not occur.

Progressive Discipline:

Policy that provides stronger penalties for repeated offenses.

Psychological Stess Evaluater:

Instrument that analzes changes in voice patterns in an attempt to determine whether a lie is being told.

Rights of Privacy:

Freedom from organizational invasion of a person's private life and unathorized release of confidential information about a person.

Sexual Harassment:

The process of making employment or promotion decisions contingent on sexual favors; also, exhhibiting any      verbal or physical conduct that creates an offensicve working environment.

Whistle Blowing:

Employee who discloses alleged misconduct to an internal or external source.