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                Pulau Ubin

                  Went on my first trip to Ubin right after exams ended...I say first cos i do   wanna go again sometime soon... Pictures aren't clear, use ya imagination...



                        Wan Churn and Diana taking time out to play a little game - on top of this rickety        bridge-like structure.  I'd already gone off to look at the tiny mud crabs Alvin caught.



                        Wan Churn and Diana on the ferry to Ubin... We'd all clambered outside to stand at the deck, you can see how windy it is...



                      This was the destination that took us three hours of cycling, a few falls and a burst tyre. But take a look, it was worth it. The water in the quarry's so clear it mirrored the sky...




                            You can clearly see it here. Despite being tired Wan Churn and I gave our best smiles, and look - that's not sky behind us, it's water! Perfect illusion...



                        Finally on the way home...Excuse the badly exposed picture, technical accident.         From left, Wan Churn, Diana (front), Xai (back), Me, Alvin, Jeremy.



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