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Cecille's Page


The Creator

My Wedding

My Kids

Family Photo

The Best Nanay

Mabuchi Days

Fun Days

Occasions To Remember

My Friends

Message board



You're the one who's by my side
when no one else is there.
You're the one I can always count on,
You always seem to care.

You help me through
the tough times,
and when I've lost all hope,
You cry with me at sad times,
and laugh at all my jokes.

You never seem to judge me
or ever put me down,
You put a smile on my face,
When ever you see a frown.

You're better than a brother,
You're more than just my boyfriend,
You have a special place in my heart,
That's why your my Best Friend.


Collages Collection

Little Friends

Poems & Quotes

Love Quotes

Love Poems

Friendship Quotes

Friendship Poems

Inspirational Quotes

OPM Songs/Lyrics

Int'l Song s/Lyric

Filipino Recipes


