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Cecille's Page


The Creator

My Wedding

My Kids

Family Photo

The Best Nanay

Mabuchi Days

Fun Days

Occasions To Remember

My Friends

Message board


You Are The Best Friend I've Ever Known

You are my best friend.
You listen to what I have to say,
No matter how unimportant.
You listen without judging
You give your opinion when asked.
You listen wholeheartedly,
Without distractions.

You are my best friend.
You care about me,
About who I am,
Where I am going,
What I am doing.
You care about our relationship
And make that extra effort
To make me feel at home with you.

We complement and complete each other.
You give so much of yourself
To me and to others,
Without ever expecting more in return.

You are my best friend,
And you'll always be
A part of my life.


Collages Collection

Little Friends

Poems & Quotes

Love Quotes

Love Poems

Friendship Quotes

Friendship Poems

Inspirational Quotes

OPM Songs/Lyrics

Int'l Song s/Lyric

Filipino Recipes


