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A Real Bouquet.....

Everybody has two eyes
Bright as stars they shine
But their color may not be
Just the same as mine.

Brown or blue, gray or green
What difference does it make?
As long as you can see the sun
Shining when you wake

Some folks' hair is very black
Some have blonde or brown
Whatever color it may be
It's a pretty crown

Flowers have so many shades
And I'm sure you know
Many lovely gardens
Where such flowers grow

Children in this great big world
Are flowers in a way
Some are light, some are dark
Like a real bouquet

Did you ever stop to think
How awful it would be
If everybody looked the same
Who would know you from me?


Collages Collection

Little Friends

Poems & Quotes

Love Quotes

ove Poems

Friendship Quotes

Friendship Poems

Inspirational Quotes

OPM Songs/Lyrics

Int'l Song s/Lyric

Filipino Recipes


