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Politics, Religion and Dracon Physiology

Politics and Religion

When I refer to myself as a Diantar, I am merely saying that I am one of those freed by Diana, one of Diana's children, as the term literally means. I am also making a private jest at those who try to separate themselves from the reasonable majority of Dracons. I do not share the view of those Dracons who change shape only for their own pleasure. What idiots! Shifting is no pleasure! None of the Dracons I have known have ever referred to themselves as Moraden, but rather merely as Dracons. We certainly do not see ourselves as "chained"!

My entire family are very much worshippers of Diana, as are nearly all Dracons. She has freed our race, and I believe she watches over us when she can, occasionally providing protection from those who still persecute our race. I consider it my obligation to live according to the principles of Diana, helping those who need help, and fighting those that oppress or harm others.

Dracon Physiology

Note- The following are my interpretations of Draconian physiology, based on threads I have read and my own reasoning about their nature. They have not, and probably never will be, seen or approved by the GM council, but if any GM's want to use any part of this page, or correct any misinformation, I will greatly appreciate it. For some good threads with information on Dracons, try here or here.

Shape-shifting: Any Dracon can change its form, but it's difficult. Most of us use it as a survival technique, and develop one shape we can assume fairly readily. Of course, this is a natural ability, not magic, so the adopted shape must be the same mass as the natural form. Many non-Dracons believe that we can assume a different mass, but this is merely a misunderstanding of what they see. My human form for instance looks smaller to most folk than my Dracon form. This is partly because most folks think of Dracons as bigger than we are, especially with our wide wingspread. But our wings are very light but strong, as are our bones. I make myself more compact by shifting my wings into my back and shoulders, and also by increasing my bone density and muscle proportions throughout my body. (Thanks, Mom, for the instructions.) This gives me a human shape that is a few inches shorter than my Dracon form, but more solid.


Flying: Dracon wings are basically just bones and scaly leather, with a few muscles thrown in. They are aerodynamically capable of supporting flight, but few Dracons can do more than very limited gliding. Having been a human, I would liken the muscle actions to be similar to a human gymnast trying to support her body mass off the ground by holding her arms straight out to grasp parallel bars or rings. The muscles in the wings only need to extend the wing sections, but the muscles in the back must keep the wings from folding back. Actually flapping the wings takes tremendous effort. The Cyraxians who created Dracons were not only evil, they were lousy engineers.

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