Dream of a better World for all
and help make it happen.
Each click you make will generate a donation
from awakened advertisers (*)
who also care about our World.
Although consumerism has gradually destroyed
the natural resources of our once plentiful planet,
along with the many varieties of life that have evolved and lived upon her,
it is awakened advertisers who are now contributing valuable funds,
financially assisting in repairing the damage greed and consumerism
have inflicted on our world and all who live and breathe.
You can help eliminate
Dream of a better World for all
and help make it happen.
Help Your Fellow Beings by clicking on the following links
.. a free way to help others!
CancerCharities.com is committed to cancer care, treatment and research
worldwide and the organisations that are members of the program are located in
many countries throughout the world.
By clicking here, donors contribute directly to many member cancer
organisations, which are all non-profit.
Global warming refers to an expected rise in global average temperature due to
the continued emission of greenhouse gases produced by industry and agriculture
which trap heat in the atmosphere. Higher temperatures are expected to be
accompanied by changing patterns of precipitation frequency and intensity,
changes in soil moisture, and a rise of the global sea level.
Save Old-Growth Forests
The Ecology Fund site currently provides six opportunities
for you to assist in saving wildlife, wildlife habitats and forests.
Save endangered Jaguars, Snow Leopards and Tigers.
Simply visit the "Race for the Big Cats".
Choose a wild cat to support, then click to make your free donation.
Over the last decade, 113 million rain forest acres
have been destroyed.
Of the 3,000 plants that have anti-cancer properties,
70% grow in rain forests.
Please also click the following text link to make a free donation to
Help ENN, IKEA and American Forests' Global ReLeaf program plant trees! Every
20 clicks (but only one click is registered per day) plants a tree to restore
forest ecosystems that provide clean air and water for everyone as well as
habitats for endangered species and wildlife.
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Today well Lived
Makes every yesterday A Dream of Happiness And every tomorrow A Vision of Hope
Native American Wisdom
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my Dreambook ..
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