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My Man and FriendsPhotos and PicturesSearch For Something





Ukie! Dyah Haruki is my name. I was born in Yogyakarta, on February 5th 1975.

I passed my college on July 1999 from Trisakti University. My major was Accounting. Nothing special in me. I'm just an ordinary girl. Unpretty, stubborn, spoiled, also sensitive. Love to hear love songs, writing poems, and other romantic things. 

For you who knew me, maybe you'll get a little surprised if you see me now. Hope you'll still recognized me at streets. See ya!



Seta Soujiro





Now I will tell you about my family.
My Mom, Erwin Haruti, was born in Yogyakarta, on February 10th, 1947. She's a housewife.
My Dad, Muhammad Yusuf, was born in Tanjung Pinang (Riau), on August 2nd, 1942. He's a pensioner of Civil Engineer from PT Waskita Karya.

For both of them, Yogyakarta is their "Love City". Because they met there. They've got three children from their marriage.


I have a brother, which was born in Yogyakarta on January 21st, 1977. He's a college student of Brawijaya University, Malang. His major is Electrical Engineering. He's in his last grade. Oh, I forgot!! His name is Edit... Edityo Irvan!


I have a sister too. Her name is Indah Yurika. We usually called her Rika. She finished her study at Indonesia University, Jakarta. She took 'Nursing'. Was born in Padang, on May 22nd 1978. Now she works at Pondok Indah Hospital as a nurse. May she'll be a good nurse!



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Updated on June 2003