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well now that u r here..let me tell u a bit about  my self--

 Well I am from Pakistan...
I am 555 yrs old. I was born on 5 Feburary...I'm the second in the family
of Four kids...
        well I moved to America when I was about 11yrs old..
     I love to travel, Dance and last but not least I love to listen to all kinds of music and making friends.

And not like u care but . ...
                                            I have friends from just about all parts of the world... 

oh yeah! and I hate to  cook** & ......... ..

    I graduated from Unv Of Central Florida with a degree in PSYHOLOGY..
 Currently I am attending medical school at SABA University school of medicine at the Dutch Antillies.

Oh yeah well I guess u figured
I currently live in Florida =) the Sun Shine State... I love living in florida...umm sometimes...othertimes I like being at my family house in Baltimore  /  D.C area...
well nothing much left to say as of yet...and as I alwayz like to say party!!!!!    what party?        
                                                                                                                                        heheheheh *_~

Oh and DiD I tell you How Much I love to chiLL
                                        with my only Girl freind M&M  MEGA Madhuri dixishit ( I LUV U)

 and then every now and then we take a ride.....
                                                 ofcourse my driving skillZ are off the hook!! 

            I'm Still Singel...ekekkeke.....(ALMOST *_~).......
           See Ya Around

                Feel Free to E-mail me.... I guess !!!!

this page will forever be under construction!!!!
Now that I live away from home I miss my Mommie*******     

                 you know what... all these politcians just scare moi*   =(

and Ofcourse In mY Free tiMe:

                        Sometimes taking a bath is the best thing to do.
                      Taking a bath won't change anything, but when you're in the tub,
                      you are not responsible for anything - you are wet, for one thing,
                      so no one can ask you to do anything... you can't work in there,
                      because your papers will get wet. You can't answer the phone
                     or receive any faxes or messages or assignments or .
                    Maybe it should be a long bath!
                                    Here  is  my Baby ANGEL~~~