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The beauty I see in you.
At the first site of you, your beauty beamed through my soul,
and left an image in my mind that will never grow old.
I have never seen a site as beautiful as you.
Not a fresh bloomed rose with a dark reddish hue,
nor anything that I can think of compares to you,
It’s your beauty that is amazing yet,
You’re simple and true.
A work of art a broken mold,
diamonds are diamonds,
Gold is gold.
Your beauty has left an impression upon my mind,
that I will continue to remember time after time.
The thought of your beauty takes me away,
back to a time the very first day.

As fresh as yesterday I recall seeing you.
and not a word can say-
how your beauty made me feel upon that very day.
Like I had never seen a women in my life before,
That is the feeling, which your beauty brought,
leaving me still, as my heart stopped-
For a prolonged second,
then I finally came through,
and realized that I will never again see the beauty-
in another women such as,
The beauty I see in yo u