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The Angel Connection

The Angel Connection
A Newsletter and Support Group for Bereaved Parents

Angel Connection

It's 4:30 AM. in my world and I am awake with a million and one thoughts running through my head... I received a letter in the mail yesterday from a lady who lives close to me. She said that all three of her children were killed in an accident at the same time. She asked how could she go on living without them... She gave me her phone number and I wanted to call her right away and tell her all the answers.

I have survived by the grace of God over the past years... living one day at a time in desperate search of each new miracle to shine a light on the past and the pain... I have written more newsletters than I can count, I have facilitated grief groups, hugged and prayed with many bereaved parents... yet I am at a complete loss of words.

I wanted to die after the loss of my Jaymi. My one little beautiful angel... I can only imagine how this lady must feel. When I read her letter... it again reaffirmed the fact that my life has been blessed in so many ways.

I will call her this morning... I will talk with her. I will tell her how sorry I am but I have no answers... I will tell her I don't know how she feels and I can only imagine the pain that she feels... but I will promise her hugs and a listening ear and I will tell her that I am always here for her when she needs me... *sigh*

Our reactions, experiences and grief is as different as the causes for them... We as bereaved parents... know far to well the pain of never seeing our children again... never touching them, never feeling their joy or hearing their laughter. But I don't believe that grief can be measured... I don't think a child lost in miscarriage is any less valuable or painful than a child of 25, fresh out of college. I don't believe that the loss of a newborn is any less painful than a toddler... We all love our children more than our own lives... we all want and need to see our children live, grow and succeed in this journey we call life. We aren't supposed to outlive our children.

Wow! I didn't intend to write a novel. *sigh* My mind was too heavy this morning and I wanted to share... I sincerely thank you for listening!

I wish you love, peace and healing,


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