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Jonny Lang Austin Music Hall  by K. Swing

 I was not the least bit disappointed!

The only reason I was concerned was because the first time I saw Jonny
it was in the intimate setting of an Austin City Limits taping. He came
looking like any ordinary 18-year-old boy, but when he began to play an
soul emerged. The best part of the taping will never be aired. Jonny
took off
into the audience with the confidence of a seasoned veteran, playing
guitar right in the face of adoring fans. Unfortunately, for the TV
the camera could not keep up with him. He was so entertaining, posed
"hot" on that guitar I could not get over the fact that he was only 18.

So, when I heard he was coming to the Austin Music Hall I knew I had to
the show but, I hoped that in a bigger arena he would not lose the
charm and
appeal that had stuck me previously.

Again, I was not the least bit disappointed! He took the stage and
the show with the same grace he had in a smaller setting. The place was
packed with "Children of All Ages". He draws a diverse crowd from older
that have listened to blues all their lives to young girls who are
to his teen idol look and find the blues an addicting sound they never
existed. He bridges a gap.

Plus, he is one of the finest guitar players today. One thing that
makes him
so attractive on stage is his ease and smile. He really enjoys playing
and it
is evident.
 I cannot compare him to anyone, he is very unique and he can play with

He has played and toured with greats like BB King, The Rolling Stones,
Travelers, and has headlined numerous events. He has been honored to
play in
the midst of President Bill Clinton at the White House and people call
him a
lucky kid. He is not lucky; he is a fine musician that has earned his
notoriety. The only thing he lacks is age. Some people won’t take him
seriously as a blues artist because of his age and that’s too bad….for
They are really missing out on years of great music waiting for him to
old. I plan to follow him every step of the way. If he is in your area
should not miss him, he is a real treat.

His first album was Smokin, an independent release in 1995 that sold
25,000 copies. His second was Lie to Me, released in 1996 by A& M
His last, Wander this World, was release in 1998.