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Articles & Quotes

Make room for Mr.Lang and listen to what he has to say. I would tell you that these are not big words, but so...langy !?! (Do you understand what I mean with this neologism ?) So, after reading these "langy words", you will realize that Jonny  is somehow like the physics: love or leave ;-)

Jonny said this:" not profound, not prophetic, just jonny."

"Playing with B.B. has probably been the biggest thrill of my life," Lang admits. "Talk about humbling. I'm sitting next to God here. I just wanted to sit next to him and listen, not play at all. But he let me play, so I just . . . actually, I didn't know what I was doing. You don't wanna go 'diddly diddly diddly dee,' and play all these notes, 'cause B.B. will shut your ass up with one little 'biiinnggg,' and everybody will go wild.
You can't be any more tasteful than B.B. It's impossible."

"YOU HEAR THAT?! I'll be damned."

"I got to sit in with B.B. King one night. I could have died after that and my life would have been complete."

"If I woke up tomorow with no arms, for some strange reason...I guess I'd learn how
to play the guitar with my feet. I've seen a guy do it so I know it's possible."

"Getting to open up for people like B.B. King, Aerosmith, Keb' Mo and Buddy Guy
is flattering just to share the same stage with them."

"That would be like, bogus."

"But I'd love to work for NASA. Aerospace, rocketry, astrophysics. I love all that stuff. I just think the people who work there are some of the most intelligent, applied minds in the world.
They push knowledge out to the boundaries of the universe, you know? They're on the brink of everything."

"If you were a mouse in the corner of every day of my life," he says, "you'd probably say, 'God, he busts his ass!' But to me that's never the case. At times it seems like it should be work, but it isn't.
The minute I start thinking of it as work, I'll stop doing it.
You know how that saying goes: 'If you love your work you never work a day in your life.' That's me."

"My sisters were great," he says, "except they used to beat the crap out of me."

This site is made for all of you, and you can

help making our candy store bigger and sweeter :-)
Feel free to send me your reviews, pics and articles.
I'll be glad to post them here :-)

Rocking Through the Darkness, Down Highway 61


The Kids Are All Right In L.A.
A Lang Review Of Sorts... :-)
Jonny Lang & John Lee Hooker
Santa Cruz Blues Festival Review & Photos
Santa Cruz Blues Festival In Shockwave
Jonny Lang & Keb' Mo' Headline Santa Cruz Blues Festival
Oklahoma Blues Festival
HOB Myrtle Beach Review
News-Sentinel Entertainment
HOB Anaheim Concert Review & Photos


Star Tribune(Doug Nelson)
Jonny Lang "Prison Blues" Brandon Hein Benefit Concert
Reviews On Jonny's Reunion With The Big Bang
Jonny's Reunion With The Big Bang
Article On The New Album
Kids Shannon Curfman & Jonny Lang
Jonny Lang To Play Dates With Sting
Guitar One
Minnesota Music Award
Jonny Lang @ Austin Music Hall
Blade Pop Music
Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette
Journal Star
Southwest Airline Spirit
Birthday On Saturday
Jonny Lang @ The Honolulu Zoo
Across The States With Beth Hart

You read some of these articles and much more on Jonny Lang Newsletter .

U.S. Magazine

O Estado de S. Paulo - October 19 (in Portuguese)
O Estado de S. Paulo - September 14 (in Portuguese)
O Estado de S. Paulo - September 6 (in Portuguese)
MTV News Gallery
Guitar World
Post Gazette
Interview Magazine
Rolling Stone Magazine


Disney Chat
Guitar Magazine
Entertainment Weekly
The Detroit News
Rolling Stone Magazine
NY Rock
Rolling Stone(1/2)
Star Tribune
Seventeen Magazine Guy's Issue
Live Magazine
House Of Blues
D'Addario Performing Artists
The Slant
The Seattle Times
VH1's Jonny Biography

You also find some of the articles from 1996 to 1998 on Wander The World .

Tokyo Chat

Blues Chat
Guitar World
O Estado de S. Paulo(in Portuguese)
Christian Science Monitor
Experience Hendrix
Entertainment Weekly
Hotstar Of The Week(Pollstar)
Blues Revue
Blues To-Do's
Los Angeles Times(1/2/3)
Las Vegas Sun
Jam ! Music
U.S. News and World Report
Krave Music
Ives Center Newsletter
Totally Teen TV

Winona Daily News

CD Reviews 

All Music Guide
Rolling Stone Network (Smokin/Lie To Me/Wander This World)

"Quis, quid, ubi, quibus,
auxiliis, cur, quomodo, quando ?"
(In other words, info for fans.)

On the track "Watching You", it was all
done in one take, no editing. Jonny also says it was
his tribute to the late Luther Allison, He even go to
use Luthers guitar on the track!

Jonny got a tattoo on his 18th birthday on his upper
right arm! It's a symbol from the Mayan calender.

Jonny failed his drivers test 3 times (the written
part) and also failed the behind the wheel!

One of Jonny's older sisters is now in the music business.
Heidi Jo is awesome and has opened a couple of shows for Jonny!

Jonny was not actually from Fargo, but a small town
in North Dakota called Castletown!

Jonny's real name is Jon Gordon Langseth Jr.

His favorite food is Sushi.

His favorite color is reddish orange.

The only book that he ever read cover to cover is "Gone with the Wind".

He loves to read movie scripts.

He reads Popular Science Magazine.

He loves the "old, worn look".

His favorite movie is "Shawshank Redemption".

His favorite album is "Music On My Mind" by Stevie Wonder.

He always wanted to be an astronaut.

He is a huge Star Trek fan and has seen every episode of the New Generation.

"Sans peur et sans reproche."
"A talented young blues sensation from the Midwest...strong vocals and

guitar playing point to broad appeal...a brand new blues star-in-the-making"
(Music Week May 1997)

"This 16-year old blues sensation looks like a teen idol but plays with indecent panache"
(Evening Standard June 1997)

"Jonny Lang has already soaked up a flabbergasting amount of absurdly assured start..."
(The Guardian July 1997)

"With a sackful of stinging blues licks, a captivating stage presence
and a throaty 'black' voice to die for, Lang is the real deal"
(Total Guitar)

"Blues of the nineties...his phrasing is amazing...brilliant"

"You've got to hear this kid singing...a very impressive debut"
(Blues & Rhythm)

"One hell of a guitarist...and a surprisingly capable vocalist"
(Juke Blues)

"Doesn't just twang like a veteran, he sings like one too"
(Hi-Fi News & Record Review )

"Impressive...sings with enormous assurance and this boy smoke..."

"The 16-year old blues sensation who has taken London by storm..."
(The Guardian 24 Sept 1997)

"Jonny Lang may be green, but he still got the blues. Like Leann rimes and Silverchair's Daniel Johns,
Lang is a blonde, beautiful, precocious phenom whose music speaks louder than his birth certificate."
(Rolling Stone)

(U.S. News & World Report, Feb 17, 1997) - New face of the Blues
Don't be fooled by his peached-smooth face. Jonny Lang has the voice of a grizzled
blues veteran with a 20-year-old marlboro habit, and guitar skills to match.
His major-label debut  LIE TO ME (A&M $10,98)
was released last month, just before his 16th birthday.
The Fargo, N.D., native may be the first to record
the classic "Good Morning Little School Girl"
and not be lying when he coos "I'm a little school boy to".
Lang got his first guitar three years ago,
hoping to play the Stone Temple Pilots'hit "Plush".
He's embarrassed by his brief fling
with alternative rock: "That was in 6th grade."
A photo spread in SEVENTEEN elicits more blushing stammers.
But adolescent angst meshes perfectly with the blues' spare lyricism.
And Lang is more than a Blues Kid on the Block, earning kudos from some old pros.
"He plays so good," says Jimmy Thackery, "I want to break his fingers."

"If Jonny were just a guitar slinger, then he'd just be one of the really good young performers cropping up everywhere these days. But it is Jonny's vocals that separate him from the really good musicians and solidly places him in the ranks of "About to be Great."R&B artist Syl Johnson's manager quotes Syl as saying,
"He is, bar none, the next big superstar!"

"Playing the blues is what I want to do. I made the decision several years ago, actually, and no matter what happens, I'll be playing music. If I have to play by myself for tips on the street corner, I'll keep doing it."

"While Lang's fretwork on his debut album, LIE TO ME (A&M),
is certainly mature beyond his years it is his voice that truly belies his age.
Raspy and road-worn, it sounds more like the vehicle of a hard-bitten blues veteran
than that of a fresh-faced white neophyte."

"The ripe, vibrant voice of contemporary blues singer and guitarist Lang is so compelling,
it would be an exceptional major-label debut even if he weren't only 16."

"By not trying to sound like wither a guitar god or a Mississippi cotton-field laborer,
Lang comes up with a pleasing blues-pop."

" Kudos my hero leaving all the best
You know my hero, the one that's on
There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary "

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