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Ruminations from an Old Git

27th August

As the "Old Git" of this erstwhile group I am honoured to make a contribution to the Jolly Boys Web site. As you can see, us "Old Gits" have a lot to offer, you just have to look at the style, the quality and youthful stance of the photograph displayed.

The term "old Git" is loosely based on the age of the participant. I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about the jolly boys. I am not sure what their problem is, but I understand it is very hard to pronounce.

Nevertheless playing with the jolly boys has been a privilege, I like them, it reminds me of when I was young and stupid. Having said all that I should point out a few home truths.

1.You are as old as the woman you feel.

2.I have not yet, despite every effort by Stat, been awarded the glove, (Oh maybe just the once, a long time ago).

3.This "old Git" has jointly worn the jacket(well not actually worn it thanks again to Stat and his outrageous cuts)

That said, I look forward to this seasons jollifications and would encourage any other "Old Git", with a youthful passion for walking in foreign countries, drinking beer, handing over vast amounts of money to an imaginary Mr. Whippy?, sleeping less hours than one would wish, singing some "Old Gits" tune in public places to the embarrassment of all around, driving frequently at breakneck speed and having a Jolly Good Time, to take over the role. It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off!

Oh and by the way, jolly good luck to Pat!
