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This page is dedicated to the Strappers, those luckless few who drive the car, pick the dog hair from their meals, put up with the 'dog talk' and occasionally get "sucked in" to doing what for them does not come naturally!!!!!

Michael decided to find out what was so hard about grooming the dogs, and gave Parker the once over.... Note Holly in the foreground, holding up instructions for him. Sometimes her daddy is so useless.....

Those who know Vic know that to see him at a dog show is a rare event, but when Vic lost a bet and bathed the girls for me I thought I'd need pics to prove it. So here they are. He started off fully clothed with Ellie..................

But by the time Freya was finished with him, he wasn't wearing much more than dog hair.

Paul has always said he'd never go in the show ring. Well, here's the proof, Paul made his debut in the ring at Seymour with Whisky. Check out the slick show clothes......