the fool is feeling
the fool's mood

mail me
im me

check back here often for important updates and news.

by putting this link on my website, i am helping to crash thousands of spammer's email accounts! bwahahah

hi all. it really pains me to say this... but i have to shut down this service. ive been neglecting it and leaving people waiting and i feel really bad... so im going to close this for good. i understand you must be upset, i mean, first its free, then you have to donate $2, and now its closed all together. so i have a few things to say...

1) if there is anyone willing to take over this website for me... any webmasters/mistresses out there, please contact me. i spent a lot of time and energy on this site and want to make sure it goes to someone who will take care of it. please contact me. if no one does i will just leave it here and itll get lost...
2) for all the friends ive made along the way, i will still remain your friend if you wish... this includes gordon, lisa, jess, craig, etc. please email me... ill try to keep my lj up, but no promises, im just really busy... thankyou for being great people... im not sure how to repay you. i guess if you ever have a friend who needs an lj ask me i will give you a code
3) if anyone sent me a donation and never got their journal... that wasnt supposed to happen!!! and i apologize for it. email me directly and i will take care of it ASAP. im so sorry
4) for all the people on the FREE LJ list, im so sorry, seriously, you can bomb me with hate mail... i dont know what to say... :/
5) and yes, i DO have quite a few extra lj codes... please DONT contact me asking for them. the answer will be no. i would love to but i know my mailbox will be full of requests and there arent enough to go around. if you are my friend and you know someone who needs one please ask me i will be more than happy to give you one.

thankyou all, its been great...