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Blues Design

    Soup de Jour     Designs     Instructions     Philosophy

Welcome to my brand new, fledgling design site. I've only just please have patience as I iron out the kinks! Below is one of my favorite first, and older sites I designed whilst inspired by the ghetto in which I live. I'll be adding new deisgns and zip files to support them as soon as I am able.
On the left, click on thumbnails to see larger shots - soon I will have clearer screen shots to showcase these, as well as zip files, should you insanely decide you would like one.

Also coming soon, an instruction page to demonstrate, in laymen's terms, how you can download and install any of these templates. All of the coded pages themselves will have helpful cues and hints, but I'd like to add an overview as well, for those of you who haven't dabbled in code before.
All of these designs are free for the taking - I'm honored if you like them, and enjoy the practise!
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