Friends 4 Life   

Mrs. Prabha Harishankar

      This is the First Musketer, she is Mrs. Prabha Harishankar, she did her MBA with us and now she is in USA becuase she been bounded in a MARRIAGE PROJECT with LOVE & AFFECTION of Mr. Harishankar. She remains in touch with most of her friends even after her marriage(which most of the girls forget to do). During those memorable college days we people cannot forget her presence. Those were the GREENISH DAYs were there was only FUN & FROLIC with her. Eventhough she lives apart, she is always one amougust us. In our Class I am the Tallest Guy and Mrs.Prabha Harishankar was the SHORTY. Whenever she talks to me she has to gape at the ceiling, thats because of my height and I used to bend my neck down, and thats becuase of her height....we spoke to each other irrespective of the sprains we had on our necks (haa...Haaa...haa). May the GOD shower his blessings upon this ever young COUPLE !!


      Ahaaa.....Here comes the Second Musketer. From your left....thats Ranjani (alias) Nandhu. Ranjani used to be punctual at her work (..but not as punctual as me, hee..heee). She has lots of hidden talents and many of the guys & gals does'nt know that she is a good vocalist, a very good violinist, a great dancer and many more to add to her credit. We visited her residence one of the college days and we had our lunch provided by her mom, that was simply FANTASTIC. At this point of time a great deal of APPRECIATION should be rendered to her mom for her for the fantastic lips smacking lunch.


     This is Chandhrika (a) Nila. She is very good pal over the net. We have shared lots of information through mails. She has completed her and she is in the verge of the completion of her MBA also. The irony is that she has seen me many times duirng her UG because we studied neighbouring colleges in TRICHY, but till date I have not seen her. Hope we will meet ourselves very soon.