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On The Bank

Look After Your Catch!!

Possibly the most important aspect of pike fishing and probably the least talked about is the time the pike you catch spends on the bank.
Without doubt pike are the most maligned and most abused fish species that swims in or waters(apart from perhaps the eel)I suppose the look of a pike has a lot to do with this as all types of fishermen believe pike to be the most robust of fish.Sadly the opposite is true and many pike are injured or even die purely through bad handling.
The handling of pike is best learnt from an experienced piker.Many feel they know how best this is undertaken,and I have often witnessed a situation on the bank that has left me shaking my head in disbelief.As long as basic rules are followed the unhooking of a pike can be an easy exercise for the piker and a safe one for the pike.

Essential Equipment

Sold as artery forceps,long nosed pliers also used,no piking without a set of these to hand.
2.Large landing net
Triangular nets should have at least 42" arm length,round nets I feel are unsuitable.
3.Unhooking mat
Standard tackle item for specimen hunters,now considered essential for all large fish.
The above items are all you need to unhook pike of all sizes.If in doubt ask your local fishing shop,they all have local knowledge but most important of all experienced staff who can give advice.Even if you have pike fished before experience is the key,never be afraid to ask fellow fishermen for advice.Only after many pike captures and all unhooking situations will you feel completely at ease handling pike, at least in the meantime you have lots of pike to catch...

A pike is hooked - you play it out using all your skill and good strong tackle until you feel able to draw it over your already sunken landing net.
It slides across the surface,over the rim of the net.At that moment you raise the net and the prize is yours.It is now, everything can and often does go wrong.Before the pike was hooked you had time to organise yourself for just this moment.As you look around now you see unhooking mat ready to accept both net and it's fragile prize.With net on mat you are in complete control of the pike.The entire time any fish is on the bank it is relying entirely on you.You now peel away layers of fine mesh and find yourself face to face with a mouthful of teeth.
This is the next stage where things can go pear- shaped as fingers are not fond of teeth but by rolling the pike onto it's back(always on the soft matting)you will subdue the pike.In this state you will find that pike are much easier to handle.With small pike a hand on the body is all that is needed to keep it on the mat but larger fish over about 8lbs need to be "straddled".
Hands-on now as you lift the lower jaw from underneath with your weaker hand,you detach your forceps(always to hand)from your clothing and remove the barbless hooks from the pikes jaw(usually one at a time)
at This is a good time to remove rod and all end tackle to a safe place.The unhooked pike can be returned at this time although you may want to weigh or photograph larger specimens.
All the above actions would not have taken longer than a few minutes,and is quicker if two work as a team taking it in turns to land/unhook each others fish.