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Ashtrayheart's favorite kind of music:

- Well, to be honest, currently I don't identify myself in a specific genre of music. I like all kinds of music, with a few exceptions such as country... Well that's the only one I can think of. A few years ago I used to LOVE Ska; butI think my Ska obsession finally wore off, and even though I still enjoy it pretty much, I'm not THAT obsessed.
I like alternative and rock, some funk, some indie and some R&B.
- My favorite Groups (currently) are: Placebo & Eskobar.
-I love Placebo for some unknown reason. I can't really describe their music, could be a bit alternative with industrial sounds and rock. I also love Brian Molko. *^^*
*For those who would like to know more about Placebo click here to go their official site. However, since there is no biography in their official website, click here and search for placebo. You will find their biography in this site.
-Eskobar hasn't got the Rock sound, but I like them, their music is truly unique. There's such a melancholic atmosphere in their songs...
* For those who would like to know more about Eskobar click here to go their official website.
-I also enjoy Garbage, Cranberries, Coldplay,The White Stripes, Linkin' Park, ..... well that's all I can think of right now.
-My favorite music video is.... probably Coffee and Tv by Blur. Why? well... I just think it's cute. I know there are no astonishing special effects, or anything like that... but I.... just..... like it.

Some of my favorite movies:
Whenever people ask what my favorite movie is the first thing that comes to my mind is trainspotting. I love that movie. It is... different. When I really like something I can't explain very well the reason why I like it. That's just the way it is.

I also like Requiem for a Dream. I know, by now you'd think I have some obsession for movies related to drugs. But I really don't. I just like them. I think they are well done.
I liked:
-Fight Club. I like the topic. I like the ending. I just like it.
-Memento. It has a great ending. I could have never imagined. It's well done.
-Almost everyone I know loved American Beauty. I liked it too. I think it is a great parody. I think it is something different.
-Matrix. Amazing effects and gives you something to think about.
-Gattaca. It is sad. Very sad. I think it has a good theme. Not great. Good.
-Lord of the rings 2 was amazing. The effects are simply superb. Not to talk about the elfs *LOL*.

Now, talking about movies with corny endings(yes, to your disappointment I do like some movies with corny endings *L* Sorry!) I like the movie One fine day. Again I don't know why. It might be 'cause George Clooney is gorgeous in that movie *LOL* j/k