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Ronnie James Chronology

The Vadala family name has a rich history of creative talent. Ronnie James is related to Claudia Muzio (Italian Opera Singer).
Other's like Angelo Vadala (artist), Chris Vadala (musician), Mike Vadala (photographer), and StacyAnn (Vadala) Palado,Artist,to name a few. Ronnie has appeared on Channel 6 Cable TV for 'The Great Annual Fredericksburg Christmas Parade' which draws thousands of people annually. He has been a member of several musical groups, and performed at numerous venues in New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Tennessee, and Florida. His performances included "The Continental"(Jersey Shore); "Todds Tavern", "The Kenmore Inn",'Knights of Columbus Hall',and the "Great Annual Fredericksburg Christmas Parade" (all in Virginia). He performed at Holiday Inn, Kissimme, Florida
In 2010, Ronnie James embarked on an agressive Radio Show Tour. He appeared on WDVX FM radio before a live studio audience in Knoxville, Tn. In addition, he has and continues to be a presence on WLIK AM radio, performing several 'Themed performances". He has performed in numerous churches, either solo or as a member of the Contemporary Christian Band - Po River . Ronnie James also performed with celebrated musicians who toured with artists such as Alan Holdsworth, Dr. Hook and Alan Jackson, to name a few.
Ronnie James is a member of professional music organizations including the American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers (ASCAP), the Songwriters Guild of America (SGA), and the Tennessee Jazz & Blues Society (TJB).
Ron is a member of The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation in Cocke County, Tn., where he serves as Choir Director.
Ronnie James CD's are available through CD Baby Inc. and other links noted on within this website.
CDs/Albums To date, include:


1) Salem Station Boulevard
2) The Sky is Blue
3) RestlesSoul

~~~~~~~Ronnie James Music , 225 Buckingham Drive; Newport, TN 37821~~~~~~~

WLIK Radio

Ronnie James Vadala of Newport, Tennessee appears here (left) in a photo, above, with Rick Brooks (right), News Director of WLIK radio. Ronnie James recorded songs at a "Special Childrens Radio Show", hosted by Chaplain Ron. The show aired on Tuesday, May 25th 2010 on 1270 AM radio. Ronnie James was interviewed by Chaplain Ron, who hosts the morning show, "Turn you Radio On" which broadcasts on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM. Ronnie James, in his interview with Chaplain Ron, said: "I am inspired by my Grand-daughter, Isabella Rose Palado....., so I dedicated the performance to her and all the little children of the world." Children are proof that God exists in our lives, because they such an amazing creation in a world full of problems." Chaplain Ron, who hosted the show, hoped that all children would listen in on May 25th, 2010, when it airs. WLIK also streams via the internet to many countries around the world via the Internet. A photo of Ron's grand-daughter, Isabella Rose Palado, of Knoxville, Tennessee, is shown below.

Photos n More

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