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*My Life*





A day in the life...


OH MAN! I haven't updated this thing in forever!!! So for those of you who were wondering, I'll give a quick recap of highlights and big events that have happend between the last entry and today. In November my family and friends threw me the ulitimate surprise party. It was so incredible- Paul sang 16 Candels to me and Adrian and Brandon wrote me a song thats absolutely awesome. Ya like that alliteration? ;-) Ok, the next event I suppose was Christmas break and that was sooo fun. Rox and the college crew were in town so I spent time w/ them and just had a blast. My parents didn't like me hanging out w/ college folk too much, but they got over it. I'll have some pics scanned soon hopefully of the break and the party and just random stuff... Anywho... I have also started goin to church every Sunday that I can with Paul. That's been real good- I'm so happy that I am. Hrmmm anything else. I'm sure I'll look back and be like WOAH cant believe the stuff i forgot to post. So, I'll add more later. Love to ya all! Ro<><