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Good Intentions

A friend once mentioned that she received a long stemmed rose with a kind note attached to it, and that made her day. That made her feel good. Did it take a lot of money or time to do that for her? No. It took a moment of time and a small amount of money and the most important thing -
a good intention.

I could write forever on good intentions. I bought some note cards the other day and some cards that say "I care" also. These cards I am sending to people for no reason. It's not their birthday, it's just "good intentions" on my part. And I am sending them to my co-workers and my friends and my relatives. Every day I try and send somebody a card. It takes very little time, but it might mean something to them. It might be bigger on that end.

I see a scale. And on that scale, I place a very small weight. The weight represents my time and expense in that card. But sometimes the scale tips heavy on the other side. That's the good feelings that the card brought the person who received it. The scale was heavier on that end because it was worth more. It carried more weight. My contribution was small. That's a good intention. I have more. Taking my children camping is another good intention. It's part of life and part of growing and learning and experiencing and laughing and sharing and being a meaningful contributor.

Another contribution I make is eye contact with the people who come to my desk at work. I stop what I'm doing and give them my undivided attention. I think sometimes that the biggest gift you can ever give anybody is your undivided attention.

I have more, but not enough time. I hate the clock. It is against me. It is ticking away my life. I hate clocks. Anyhow, I can't write more cause that clock is ticking. Just think about intentions.

And smoking? Well, just continue to have good intentions and one day you'll experience the reward of that for yourself. We need to include ourselves in our good intentions too. My intentions for myself are to not smoke another day in my life and give myself good health and a great feeling of caring for me.

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