We take inventory a lot. We inventory our weight. I have a room in my warehouse that says "Weight Issues" over the door and in that room are my weight concerns. At the office, I read the report about my weight issues and I see this chart / graph that somebody has drawn up, seems to have a solid line steadily going up. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Higher!! Take me Higher!! ha ha ha ha ha
We label everything. That's our job. We ride around on our little machine and zip in and out of rows and move things around in our lives. We sometimes have things stored up on the top shelf, way way back to the back ... and then we read the report and realize that it needs to come out of storage - front & center!
We also have rooms that have signs over the door that say "keep out!" I used to have a sign over a door in my life that clearly said "keep out!" and when I opened that door and walked in, there were skeletons and ugly things in that room. I didn't like going in there. Didn't make me happy to be in there.
There are other rooms in my life called "Impossible." I used to have a lot of things stored in that room. One of those things was quitting smoking. I had stored it on the top shelf as far back as the machine could push it. And when you walked into that room - you never even saw the issue "quitting smoking." It was out of sight, it was stored so far back. But I always knew where it was.
One day I walked in that room and pulled the dusty crate to the front. It creaked and moaned when it was moved, because I had not touched it in 30 long years. There was thick dust on top of the crate.
I took out a crowbar and pried open the lid. When it fell to the side, dust scattered everywhere. And when the dust cleared, and I looked in the crate, there was something else there. My God, I had buried "hope" in that crate a long time ago. I pulled it out and ran my fingers over the soft shiny surface and realized that it was just as beautiful as ever. It was still in perfect shape. And so, hope has led me for a year. Kinda like a hood ornament on an old car. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Hope goes first!!!
Oh, and one more thing --- I was wrong to bury my quit for so long in a room that I had labeled "impossible." I was wrong about that label. I had hope inside that box all along.