In the Beginning ...
In the beginning there was a big cold unknown world. And in that world were people who had never met, people who lived on different sides of the world.
In that big cold world there was a beginning
And with that thought of freedom came a connection. And with that thought of freedom came a step out of the safe world and into the
U N K N O W N !!!
The Connection
From the right side of the world,
From the left side of the world,
That is how quit buddies find each other
And then they are no longer alone.
of a thought of freedom for each of those strangers.
one person clicked onto a website to quit smoking.
another person clicked onto the same website with the same hope.
in a big cold world of strangers.
Together the world does not seem so strange
or so cold
or so impossible
or so big.
Together with a quit buddy,
the world seems to be more
{{{{ W A R M }}}}
Stevie - March 10, 2001