Dear Diary, I was writing a sale sign on my back, and added an extra zero on my price. Since zero means nothing, adding a zero to my price is bound to make me cheaper so that girl can buy me! Anyway, I didn't find normal tapes, but I did get my paws on some duct-tapes. I hope I won't pull my fur off when I have to take the sign off. The girl kinda got surprised when she saw the price on my back, I guessed adding a zero didn't make me cheaper, I'll try a one next time! She peeled off a bit of my fur when she ripped the sign off of my back secretly, that hurt really, really bad! She bargained and she bargained and she bargained. I guess she must really love me! She bought me with a price of "free" dollars! I guess that means I'm free! Yeah! I have an owner! And she told me her name is Sakura, and she gave me a name too! I am named after her boyfriend. Now I'm call Syaoran the Rabbit!! Yippi~Hm...I wonder what Syaoran looks like?? Maybe as handsome as I am! ~Syaroan the rabbit |