Dear Diary, In this stage, Little Sakura and Cream werer attacked by a giant lizard! (Later told by Cookie that it's a "crocodile") I was busy worrying about Little Sakura that I didn't realize Cookie pulling that rope thing on the ground. Until he started shouting and screaming, I helped him pull and he told me this rope we were pulling was connected to the crocodile's leash! So as we pulled it, we can stop the crocodile and so Little Sakura and Cream could reach to safety! After that it was pratically a walk in the park! Except for the door trick...and the jumpy bridge thing...and the drowning...and...anyway! Stage 1-3 cleared!! ~Syaoran the Rabbit |
(C) "The
Adventures of Cookie & Cream" by Agetech & FromSoftware
Copyright 2000, 2001