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The Sakura and Syaoran Fan Station

Day 11 in the C&C World

Theme song by Steve-O:

Dear Diary,

My! I think I should call today Cookie's revenge day! Today we were trying to pass this stage that's underground! There's this part where Cookie and I have to control the tracks Little Sakura and Cream take. We kept screwing up the first couple of times and made the girls' mining cart hit the wall and made them drown several times...-w-U I swear, Cookie was enjoying that! Then after about a hundred tries, we finally got the girls across. But Cookie's fun didn't end there! There was this part where the girls had to lid the fuse to the dynamite for us so it can blow up a path for Cookie and I to go through. What they had to do is bring the fuse awfully close to the fire monsters. Cream got burnt a few times...^w^U She almost choked Cookie to death for laughing after we clear the stage!

Stage 2-4 cleared!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

(C) "The Adventures of Cookie & Cream" by Agetech & FromSoftware
Copyright 2000, 2001

Untitled Document

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