Just some links and info concerning the crooks in the dog game. And I will also post any links or emails from anyone that has been robbed. If the offender has a problem,
I post his response.
Houston Scam --- Check it out.
Mr Zebo - Steve Luniewski.... Is he really a crook? Or will this breeder take you?
To: ThunderKennels@Geocities.com
Fuck You and Your Cheap as Dogs!! To think my Kennel Club was going to by some Dog from a Fuck Face like Yourself!! Bitch!!! I Breed Real Dogs Like the Presa Canario and the South Africa Boerboel!! I make more off of one dog than your whole litter almost, going at $1500 to $2000 a pup.. So Keep your sorry ASS PitBull! Which I have 5 of and 2 Grand Champs You Asshole!! You must be new to this.. when people want to spend there money on something. You give them what they ask for and not make smart ass comments! You Will Learn.
All Your email will be Deleted on the Spot Bitch!!