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Consider that nothing beautiful and alive has ever been created by Fear.
The only thing that I truly control in My life are my thoughts and feelings,
thought is the most powerful element I have besides Love.
Everything I see around me is a product of thought.

My thoughts tell me about others,but my feelings tell me about Myself.
feelings can only come from two places, Love or Fear.

As I encounter the many faces of life, I find that most people are living in Fear based belief systems,and are "Living in Fear" shown by their need to control  others, and our life's situations through Fear.

What is Fear?  only a Primal mechanism that warns us of dangers real or imagined.It's real reason was to just be a small part  for us to survive,
Until we chose to give it such priority over ourselves and others.
There are really only two kind's of Fear, Fear of  the physical, and Fear of the unknown.It is how we react to these Fears that we create our everyday reality.

Fear is controlling, self centered, and destructive to all involved.
Fear demands obedience, Servitude that consumes the Soul's energy.
Fear is The Lie and illusion that we have been programmed to manifest in our personal daily lives,
and on a  Collective world level.

The price we pay for "Living in Fear" is


What is Love?
Love is everything opposite of Fear.
Love is not controlling, Love does not need to control,
A  person  would give anything  if asked by Love.
Love Elevates and empowers the soul's Energy.
Love is patient and understanding, Love is all giving and forgiving.
Love is a Spiritual Power.

Be still, Listen to your thoughts and feelings,
Then realize that there are only two places they can be coming from,
Love or Fear.

Then ask yourself, where am I coming from as I  interact daily with others?.
 Are my Feelings, Thoughts,and Actions, coming from, Love or Fear?

Consider that nothing beautiful and alive has ever been created by Fear.
Consider that Love is the Spiritual Power that  makes anything possible,
Creating life to all that it touches.

Consider that the only thing that You Truly control in Your life are Your thoughts and feelings,

Be still,
Control Your thoughts and feelings,
Choose to have them come from Love
not Fear.

"Choose To  Make Anything  Possible"


