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 Chicken Cacciatore

      Makes 10 to 12 servings

    2 (3-1/2-pound) chickens      1 green bell pepper
    Olive oil, as needed      1 orange bell pepper
    4 pounds ripe tomatoes, chopped  4 cloves (or more, to taste)
      along with their juices        garlic minced
    3 ounces tomato paste      Salt and pepper to taste
    6 carrots                          Chicken broth, as needed
    1 pound mushrooms       1/2 cup minced fresh basil
    3 medium red onions 
    4 stalks celery 

  1.  Cut up chickens into serving pieces; discard skin and 
  wing tips. Pour olive oil into a large frying pan. Brown the 
  chicken in batches, adding more olive oil as necessary. Transfer 
  the pieces as you brown them into a large pot. To the pot add 
  tomatoes and tomato paste.

  2.  Prepare vegetables as follows: slice carrots and 
  mushrooms, chop onions, celery, green and orange bell peppers. 
  Add the vegetables to the pot with the chicken and tomatoes along 
  with minced garlic, salt and pepper. Stir, and if the liquid does 
  not cover the ingredients, add some chicken broth as needed. 
  Cover, and simmer over very low heat while you spend a lazy 
  afternoon doing nothing in particular, or until the chicken is 
  tender and begins to fall off the bones.

  3.  To serve, remove the chicken bones from the pot. Stir in 
  the minced fresh basil. ....enjoy!


 Salsa de Abramellin

3 tomatoes, medium size, diced
juice of one lime 
1/4 cup tomato sauce
1/2 minced onion or diced if you like...
1 to 2 cloves garlic, minced, to taste..
1/2 cup minced cilantro
jalapenos, chopped, to taste
salt and garlic salt to taste

Mix all ingredients and chill in refrigerator to blend flavors and spices. 
Serve with chips, tacos, burritos, 

  Garlic-Stuffed Mushrooms

     12 ea Medium Mushrooms                    3 T  Unsalted Butter 
      2 ea Scallions, Sliced               1 1/2 T  Coarsely Ground Pecans 
  1 1/2 T  Fresh Parmesan Cheese *         1 1/2 T  Bread Crumbs 
    1/4 c  Garlic Bechemel                     1 x  Salt (To Taste) 
      1 x  Freshly Ground White Pepper         1 x  Cayenne Pepper 
      4 T     Unsalted Butter                  4 T     Unbleached All-purpose Fl 

  *  Grate the Fresh Parmesan Cheese for this recipe.

  Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
  Clean the mushrooms.  Remove the stems and reserve.
Parboil the mushrooms in just enough water to cover, for 3 minutes, until
  barely cooked.  Drain well, blot with paper towels, and set aside until

  If the tip of the stems seem woody, trim them away.  Chop stems coarsely.

  Melt 2 T of the butter in a skillet.  Toss the chopped mushrooms stems and
  scallions.  Saute until tender and most of the mushroom juices have
  evaporated.  Toss in the pecans, pecans, bred crumbs, parmesan cheese, and
  remaining tablespoon of butter.  Stir until the butter is melted and
  absorbed.  Stir in the garlic bechamel.  Add salt and freshly ground
  pepper to taste.

  Stuff each mushroom cap with the mixture, mounding it neatly over the top.

  Sprinkle each with some cayenne pepper.  Put stuffed mushrooms in a
  lightly oiled, shallow baking dish.  Bake for 10 minutes or until heated

Serve right away.

 Whiskey Sour Sirloin

      3 lb (1pc) Round Bone Sirloin          1/3 c  Lemon Juice 
    1/3 c  Orange Juice                      1/4 c  Vegetable Oil 
    1/4 c  Whiskey                             1 ea  Small Onion, Thinly Sliced 
     12 ea Peppercorns                         1 t  Salt 
      1 ea Med Orange, Thinly Sliced 

  When getting the steak look for a good piece  that is about 2-inches thick.
  Place steak in shallow baking dish.  In small saucepan combine remaining
  ingredients except orange.  Over low heat, simmer 5 minutes; pour over
  meat.  Top with orange slices; cover.  Refrigerate 4 to 6 hours, turning
  occasionally.  Remove meat from marinade; grill or broil as desired.  Heat
  remaining marinade and serve with steak.

 Fresh Strawberry Pie

      1 ea Baked 9-inch Pie Shell          1 1/4 c  Sugar 
      1 T  Cornstarch                          3 T  Lemon Juice 
      3 oz (1 Pk) Strawberry Gelatin           1 qt Fresh Strawberries 
  1 1/2 c  Water                        

  Clean and hull strawberries.
  In medium saucepan, combine sugar and cornstarch; add water and lemon
  juice.  Over high heat, bring to a boil.  Reduce heat; cook and stir until
  slightly thickened and clear, 4 to 5 minutes.  Add gelatin, stir until
  dissolved.  Cool to room temperature.  Stir in strawberries; turn into
  prepared pastry shell.  Chill 4 to 6 hours or until set.  Serve with
  whipped cream if desired.  Refrigerate leftovers.

Grilled Fish In Foil

      1 lb Fish Fillets,Fresh or Frozen        2 T  Margarine Or Butter 
    1/4 c  Lemon Juice                         1 T  Chopped Parsley 
      1 t  Dill Weed                           1 t  Salt 
    1/4 t  Pepper                              1 x  Paprika 
      1 ea Med. Onion, Thinly Sliced 

  On 4 large buttered squares of heavy-duty aluminum foil, place equal
  amounts of fish.  In small saucepan, melt margarine; add lemnon juice,
  parsley, dill weed, salt and pepper.  Pour equal amounts over fish.
  Sprinkle with paprika; top with onion slices.  Wrap foil securely around
  fish, leaving space for fish to expand.  Grill 5 to 7 minutes on each side
  or until fish flakes with fork.  Refrigerate leftovers.


