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Who am I?


 this is a Question that has been asked and pondered since the beginning of time.

A  philosopher once wrote, "I think therefore I am"
or should he have said,

"I am therefore I think?".


"I hope" I am Tony Abramellin Clark,
living in a remote Mojave Desert area about 90 miles
  North of  Los Angeles,  near California city, California. U.S.A.
It gets to about 110 degrees in the summer
and  snows here in  the winter, (29-35 Deg. F.).
  It is a great place to think about things,
and the seasons are beautiful.

My Backyard

  I am a 43 year old  man, that fills his time with music, food,work,
and people who share and love the same hobbies that I do.
   The purpose of this website is  to also share some of them  with you.

  Most of my Life work has been experiencing
humanity on different levels though my different
  vocations over the years, that have included:

  Guitar teacher and Musician
  Private Security Company owner and consultant
  EMT/ Ambulance Driver
  Pawn shop operator
  Thrift store operator
  Alcohol Drug Abuse Counselor
  Auto Mechanic
  Grief counselor

   Through these experiences and many others, I have come to
the conclusion that one transcends the differences,
we are all basically the same.

We all need and want the same things,
such as love, hope,purpose, and a positive
   vision of our future to survive.


society to say the least has been failing
in those areas for sometime,and because of this,
  I have encountered a lot of people
who are suffering in the life condition.

 What I have learned that the ultimate truth beyond all  suffering,
is that the Human spirit is real,
 and that truth is of a flame that is unquenchable,
and is who we really are.

This is what unites us all
in the face of our suffering.

 "Who am I?"

 I am a person who Believes that
there is spiritual truth
in everyone,

and that nothing can subtract from that truth.

 I believe in the
realm of the spirit ,
and that analytical  materialistic society
 teaches us to forget that aspect about ourselves.

 I am a person who loves people, and loves to exchange ideas with them.

 I am a person who Believes In the Human Spirit to overcome any obstacle.

 I am a person who believes in you, and myself.

"Who am I?

  I am your friend

  Tony Clark

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