-AlTE leItunGEN- SeijixTouma, All + Touma. Rating: R. Touma's nightmares are a foreshadowing of what's going on out of their sight coming to the forefront. ||Chapter One, Chapter Two||
-Backseat Nostalgic- SeijixTouma, Ryo +Touma. Rating: PG. Songfic ["Terrible Storm" Tegan & Sara]. Driving home from a day at the beach, the car is like a little world of just the five of them. ||Backseat Nostalgic||
-finding.five- AllxAll, basically. =_= *tsks at how slutty all the boys are being*. Rating: R. AU. Touma, a member of a fading and persecuted race; Ryo one sworn to their genocide and Seiji one who refuses to spill their blood. Shuu and Shin, two diplomats stuck along for the ride. ^_^; ||Chapter One, Chapter Two||