Name: Rekkusha
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: 06.25.86
Western Zodiac: Cancer
Easter Zodiac: Tiger
Blood Type: O+
Height: 5'2" in the morning
Hair [natural]: Golden brown
Hair [currently]: Atomic Pink with brown roots
Eyes: Blue
Hobbies: Making webpages, getting bored with webpages, abandoning webpages to make new webpages, watching anime, pretending I know how to sew, drawing yaoi, reading yaoi, watching yaoi, cosplaying, sleeping on j-rockers' lawns.
Favorite Colour: Pink
Favorite Food: Macaroni & Cheese
Least Favorite Food: Tuna, Mustard
Favorite American Music Artist: David Bowie
Favorite Korean Music Artist: H.O.T.
Favorite Japanese Music Artist(s): Love Psychedelico, Dir en Grey, L'arc-en-ciel, Akino Arai, The Pillows ^^;;
Favorite Anime: Gravitation
Favorite Manga: Gravitation
Favorite Video Game: FFVIII, Tekken 3
Past Conventions: Anime USA '99, Katsucon 007, Katsucon 008, Otakon 2002
Future Conventions: Anime USA '02, Katsucon 2003, Otakon 2003
Past Cosplays: Daughter/Dotta [Bakuretsu Hunters, Katsucon 007], Mudou Sara [Tenshi Kinryouku, Katsucon 008], Shindou Shuichi [Gravitation, Otakon 2002]
Future Cosplays: Excel [Excel Saga], Tenjou Utena [Shoujo Kakumei Utena], Kyo [Dir en Grey (jrock band)]