Free Rules
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Free Rules

  • You are guest at Tranquility_Keep and must follow the rules of The Keep.

  • In the books of Gor there are different areas throughtout. It is the same on Irc Gor where each channel is different from the next and often created with a certain area or interpretation of the books. Any visitor to Tranquility_Keep has to abide by the rules set down by the Owner and His Residents.

  • Any Free Person present may grant a slave entrance with karta, afk and exit.

  • White silks slaves are - as it is all over Gor - protected and restricted. They may not lap or be furred by other than their Owners.

  • Visiting slaves, collared or uncollared, are under the protection of Tranquility_Keep and may not be seen as objects for hunting.

  • The yellow silks and red silks slaves collared to Tranquility_Keep, Owners or uncollared are for use as other slaves - but only if their whois says "unrestricted". If restricted can not be furred by Anyone other than who their Owner or Who the Residents of Tranquility_Keep allows.

  • Please do not use more than one slave for a serve as the slaves need to be free to serve Others entering the home at all times.

  • Slave hunting and collaring is not allowed inside Tranquility_Keep and will be followed by banning and kicking.

  • Slaves may be used for furring in the gardens or the lofts of Tranquility_Keep, but not removed for use. You can get information about the gardens or lofts from the OPed Free.

  • Some visitors do not like that slaves are OPed in the Irc channel. A slave Op does not mean the slave rules over the Free. The OP does not mean the slave is over Free. It is the same situation where slaves are allowed to use knives. This it is not normal practice for slaves on Gor but permission can be given by a Free. This is the same with Irc Op. The slave does not use the Op without the Owner's command or permission. The slave is only a toy in the Owner's hand, and so is the slave's use of OP. As a matter of fact there is nothing odd or un-gorean in it at all, it is just like when slaves use axes for making logs for the hearth - always with permission and under control.