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Worry, Worry, Worry

Aspects of Anxiety


One way to better understand anxiety is to look at the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual aspects.


When the person faces a threat, anxiety causes sweating, pounding heart, flushed face, tremors, shortness of breath, intestinal distress and other symptoms. Anxious people tend to exhibit these and many other symptoms in many situations and often take a long time to return to normal functioning.


A person’s thoughts will influence his anxiety level. Distorted perceptions may cause increased anxiety, and may interfere with rational thinking. “Vicious circles” may occur, when a threatening thought produces anxiety, which makes the threat seem worse, and produces still more anxiety, and so on.


Anxiety can be linked to the emotions of guilt, shame, grief and anger. These feelings and their resultant behaviors, can be barriers to forming important interpersonal supports.


The socially anxious person becomes disturbed by the scrutiny or remarks of others, fears rejection, has low self esteem, and experiences apprehension when with groups of people.


Anxiety may become severe for anyone undergoing intense spiritual conflicts, such as a loss of faith, fear of death, loss of a loved one, guilt over a transgression of moral standards.

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Which of the following symptoms of anxiety have you experienced? Ask others close to you what they have noticed. Describe your symptoms, and your feelings.

Extreme worry

Restlessness/feeling “keyed up”

Easily fatigued

Difficulty concentrating

Muscle tension



Panic symptoms

Excessive or unreasonable avoidance of feared situations

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