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Rochester, NY

Honey said few things about each person, if you aren't on here and you wanted to be added then
I will be more happy to add you and say few things about you.


Blake, you brighten up my day with your smile and your personality.
 I cherish every moments that we had together.


Julie, my classmate...
we both have laughing gas in our stomach, hahahahah!


Andrew, oh boy, we've known each other since third grade.
We've been through alot of things together and I cherish those memories.


Bri, you are an awesome girl with your own personality
and doing your own thing. Don't ever change that.


Brandon, cool braids, don't think you
can beat me in basketball.


Kim, you are a sweet girl with the same experience that
I went through this year. I'm glad I was able talk to you about it.


Brian, I've knew you since EYF, but of course you changed since EYF.
You are the best dancer I ever seen besides Michael Jackson.


Kerrie, trip to galladuet was alot of fun.
English class together makes it even more fun!
STUDY, STUDY, STUDY all the time for that class jeez. 

Corey, mama needs to teach you some
manners and the magic word "PLEASE".


Jasmine, my basketball girl, we can kill other basketball teams in dba for sure.
Our mind works together like mighty black devil hehe.


David, my brother's friend, what a guy? He's a good guy and a great friend to my brother.


Eyob, the first EYF staff that I met in 2003. He has a great sense of humor and brings up the smile of the day.


Jane, thanks for compliment me alot.
You are a beautiful girl and I'm happy for you.

Haile, alot of fun times we had together. Stay cool!


Rabab, you are a beautiful girl with a georgous long hair.
You respects people well.

Henry, there's something about you that is special. I wish you luck in life.


Mia, the sweetest girl I ever met. She is adorable and I love her to death.


Jeff, a sense of humor, oh boy you make me laugh till I die.


Morgan, fun times at galladuet. Stay sweet!


Joshua, biker boy, tell ruben he looks like snoop dog.
By the way, thank you for the hugs those were nice.

Megan, hanging out together was fun.
Hope we can continue that more.

Corey, a funny guy that will make you laugh
every time you eat or drink, BEWARE!

Kris, fun times at basketball, and my brother's apartment.
You are so much fun to be with.

Kraig, monkey ears that will never stop dancing all day.


Lindsey, fun times in media and output class.
I wish you the best with your baby.

Marquis, you are a good basketball player.
I had fun playing basketball with you.

Jamila, you are beautiful inside and outside.
Don't worry about yourself too much,
just accept yourself and let guys come to you.

Marvin, we had alot of memories together.
You have beautiful eyelashes and don't even think about cutting them.

Sam, my roommate, she can be pain in the butt sometimes but I love her.


Rad, he does look like snoop doesn't he? He's a sweet guy and friendly.


Steph, remember you from gally basketball camp.
It was great knowing you again ever since.

Raq, you are very calm kind of guy.
Don't worry about anything but yourself.

Martha anger, my girl from output class.
Laughing together with our output teacher was DUMB.
His laughs are funny.

Ryan, doesn't know the sign for "movie" so
I tease him all the time about that. Otherwise,
he's a great guy too.

Honey, who's that??? oh is that me?


Ryan, my brother and my best friend.
I love him to death and I will do anything to support him.

Seth, my hometown guy, keep working on your dance moves!


Victor, you are funny as heck. Lose the attitude haha just kidding.


David, stop giving me the looks, grrr! He is fun to be with.


Joe, oh boy what can I say about him? he is always clueless.


Josh, my classmate in english. stop smoking
when you are under stress! Keep hugging and don't kiss!

