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How to Record an Audio Message

Print these instructions for easy reference.

To record an Audio Message you will need a Microphone hooked up to your computer, and your computer must also have a Sound Card.

Your Audio Message can only be 60 seconds long. The longer your messages is, the more bandwith it takes up, and you only have 1 Gigabyte (GB) of Bandwith per month with a FREE AngelFire website.

What is bandwidth? Bandwidth is the amount of data that is used to transfer a member's Web page (including the HTML, graphics, text, sound files, etc.) from the host server to the person viewing the page. If the contents of the page (audio file) equals 1 Megabyte (MB), and the page is viewed 100 times in one day, the total bandwidth would be 100 Megabyte (MB). 1000 Megabytes is equal to 1 Gigabyte.

If you use up all your Bandwith before the month is over your Audio Message will not play. If this happens you have several options:

1. Purchase more Bandwith for your AngelFire website.

2. Set up 2 FREE AngelFire website from the very beginning. Use one to host the Audio Message that will be on your JMFD Home Page, and the other to host the Audio Message that will be inserted into your JMFD HTML Emails. By doing this you sharing the load over 2 websites and your chances of running out of Bandwith are less likely.

3. If your Audio Message does stop working because one of the sites runs out of Bandwith, you can set up another FREE AngelFire website and upload your Audio Message to the new site. And don't forget to change the URL in Section 2 on the Website Manager page.

Recording Your Audio Message

1. Click the START Button on your computer

2. Then follow this path to get to your Sound Recorder
Programs / Accessories / Entertainment / Sound Recorder

This should open a small window for your Sound Recorder.

3. Operating the Sound Recorder is very simple. Just click the Red Record Button to record your message. Your message can be a maximum of 60 seconds long. After you have finished recording click the PLAY button to listen to your message. If you are happy with the message you are ready to save the file. If you are not happy with it, click File / New and start over.

4. To save your message simply click on the File / Save As. When you do this a Dialog Box will pop up, and in the Title Bar you should see the words "Save As". Before you save your sound file there are a couple of VERY IMPORTANT things you need to do.

a.) In the Dialog Box you will see a field there titled File name: that's where you type in the name of your file greeting.wav or email.wav

b.) Below the File name field you will see another field titled Save as type:, that field should have the following in it Sounds (*.wav), leave that field as it is.

c.) Now this is the MOST IMPORTANT part of this whole process. At the very bottom of the Dialog Box you will see the word Format:, and to the right of it you will see a button titled Change, click on it and another Dialog Box will pop up titled Sound Selection.

d.) You should see the word Name there just above a field with a drop down arrow. Click on the drop down arrow and click on Radio Quality.

e.) Below that field you will see the word Format:, and to the right of that there is another field with a drop down arrow. Click on the drop down arrow and click on PCM.

f.) At the bottom of the Sound Selection Dialog Box you will see the word Attributes:. and you should see this text 22,050 Hz, 8 Bit, Mono     22 KB/s in the field to the right of it. If that is not what's showing in that field, click the drop down arrow and select it.

g.) This is what you should now have in the 3 Sound Selection fields:

Name:     Radio Quality
Format:     PMC
Attributes:  :   22,050 Hz, 8 Bit, Mono     22 KB/s

h.) If this is correct, click OK , and the Sound Selection Dialog Box will close. Now you are ready to save the file to your Desktop.

5. If the message is for your JMFD Home Page, save the file to your Desktop and name it greeting.wav. If the message is for you JMFD HTML Emails, save the file to your Desk Top and name it email.wav.

If you do not follow the above directions to the letter, your sound file will be too large, and your AngelFire website will shut down after you play the file a couple of times because you will run out of Bandwith very quickly.

When you save your sound file using the above directions your sound file should be about 650KB to 750KB. If you did it wrong, your file size will be about 5MB. Try to keep your message around 30 - 40 seconds in length to keep the size of the file smaller. To check the size of your file, right click on it, then click Properties.

Remember if your Sound File stops working, it is because you ran out of Bandwith. All you need to do is open another FREE AngelFire website, upload your file to it, and change the address in Section 2 that has the file address. It would even be a good idea to have an extra AngelFire website set up and loaded with your sound file, in case your first site runs out of Bandwith. Then all you would have to do is just change the address in Section 2 that has your file in it.

That's all there is to it! Now you are ready to upload it to your AngelFire website.

Not Sure What to Say? Use These Scripts!

Greeting for your JMFD Home Page (save as: greeting.wav)

Hello, my name is John MILLER.
Welcome to JMFD! The Downline Club with a Voice!

Are you still surffing for an income opportunity that works?

Then you need to JoinMyFreeDownline to learn more about the product every Marketer needs to be successful on the Internet, and how we're working together as a Team to reach our financial goals!

JoinMyFreeDownline and add the selling power of your voice to your website and emails to dramatically increase sign ups!

If you're ready for Something Big, you're ready to JoinMyFreeDownline!

Message for your JMFD HTML Emails (save as: email.wav)

Hi there, my name is John MILLER.
I bet you never expected an email to speak!

How would you like to send emails just like this one, and make truck loads of money for doing it?

How would you like to have a FREE website where you can add your own personal voice message?

How would you like to be a part of one of the fastest moving income opportunities on the Internet?

If your answer is YES, click on the link and JoinMyFreeDownline!


How to Set Up an AngelFire Website

1. To sign up for a FREE AngelFire website click on the link that we have provided on the Website Manager Page - Section 2. The first page you go to will have the FREE radio button checked. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Continue.

2. This will take you to Step 1: Membership. On the top of this page is where you Choose Your Web Site URL (see example below in blue). You will see a drop down window there with the word Choose in it. Click on the down arrow and click on the word pro so that your URL will match the one we give below.

3. The field next to this is where you choose your user name to complete your AngelFire name. To keep things simple use your JMFD User Name: johnny-o. When you're setting up a second website to host the Audio Message for your JMFD HTML Emails just put a number after your User Name.
Example: johnny-o2.

Choose Your Web Site URL   /  

This will be your Angelfire Name.

 Example URL:
 Example Angelfire User Name (login name): pro/johnny-o

4. When you have completed the sign up process you will got to Step 2: Confirmation. On that page there is a link titled, Activate your account and start building!, click on it.

Uploading an Audio File to AngelFire

1. Once your AngelFire account is set up and you're logged in, you should see a grey table (or box) on your screen.

2. The next thing we need to do is create a new Subdirectory called audio. To do this look at the bottom of the grey table (box) and you will see the following:

Create: New File New Subdirectory

File/Subdirectory Name:

Check the radio button called New Subdirectory, and type the word audio (all lower case) in the field below it as shown in the example above. Then click on the Create Button that's just below the field to create the a new Subdirectory called audio.

3. As illustrated below, after you've created a new Subdirectory titled audio you should see it the field with the words:

4. Left Click on the word audio to highlight it, then Click the button just above it titled OPEN. This will open your Audio Directory, and inside the grey table (box) you should see this line of text:
You are here: /pro/johnny-o/audio

5. Now you are ready to upload your Audio Message. Just below the grey table (box) you will see a blank field there with a Browse button next to it as illustrated below. Click on the Browse Button then go locate the Audio Message you saved to your Desktop and double left click on it to place the file path in the blank field. Once you've done that, click on the Upload Button to upload your Audio Message.


Check to overwrite

6. If you followed these directions to the letter the URL for the Audio Message that goes on your Home Page should be:

7. Remember it would be a good idea to set up a second AngelFire account to host the Audio Message that will be in your JMFD HTML Emails. If you did this your URL should be:
Notice the # 2 is after your user name on the second account.

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