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AFFILIATION : Doctors Without Borders volunteers

DETAILS : Doctors Without Borders

refused to leave Iraq during the war

Even as the Iraqi regime

Took two of the group's volunteers prisoner,

Accusing them of being spies.

With bombs falling around them,

Doctors Without Borders refused to leave Iraq

Continuing to work in a Baghdad hospital

Treating the torrent of sick and wounded

Despite the dangers of war.

It wasn't long before two

Members of the Medecins Sans Frontieres

As the group is known internationally

Were carted away to the regime's

Most notorious prisons

By the Iraqi secret police, accused of being spies.

"The way that they presented it,

[it is]

As if they don't believe humanitarian work at all,

" Said Ibrahim Younis, 31, an aid worker

Taken from his hotel April 2

Along with Francois Calas, 44,

Head of the doctors' Baghdad mission.

Calas and Younis were held in a vast jail

And two crowded prisons

Before being freed April 11.

The two men and four volunteer doctors

Who worked at al Kindi hospital

In northeast Baghdad resumed

Their healing work a short time later.

"I'm still here and I'm ready to go on working,

" Calas told CNN from Baghdad.

"We see today more and more needs emerging

And ... we're still here and we are ready

To do our humanitarian work."

Founded in 1971, Doctors Without Borders

Dispatches 2,500 medical

Professionals around the world

Each year to aid victims of armed conflict,

Natural disasters and epidemics.

Its volunteers have been kidnapped in Chechnya,

Died in Honduras and worked with

Victims of Rwanda's civil war.

Although it received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999,

The group shies away from the media spotlight.

"This group plunges its doctors and nurses

Into some of the most dire

Physical danger in the world,

" Wrote the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

in an editorial after the

Doctors won the Nobel Prize.

"With humane hearts and

A will to make a difference,

The organization has sometimes wrought miracles."

Volunteer doctors risk bombs to

Aid Iraq's wounded

By Jeordan Legon CNN