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Corporal Ian Plank

A BRITISH special forces commando

Has been shot dead during a vicious firefight in Iraq,

Hero Corporal Ian Plank, 31,

Of the Royal Marines’ elite Special Boat Squadron

Was making a house-to-house search

When he was gunned down.

Four SBS and SAS men in his patrol

Were hit by bullets but escaped with light injuries

During the clash last Friday.(31ST OCT 2003)

They were working with American special forces

Trying to hunt down a fanatical militia leader

North of Basra.

During the top-secret operation,

They killed and captured dozens of armed Iraqi rebels.

Ian, above, and his team began searching homes

In a village outside the British sector

In south-east Iraq.

The group was unexpectedly hit by a hail of gunfire

As they entered one house.

Coalition leaders ordered the all-out effort

To take out militia leaders

Because of increasing casualties,

Especially among US troops.

A senior military source said last night:

“The operation was successful

Although the militia leader was not captured.

“It is a terrible tragedy that Ian Plank

Has paid with his life

But that can happen in these situations.”

Ian, who had several medals,

Joined the Royal Marines as a teenager

A nd went through intensive commando training

In Lympstone, Devon.

He was then selected for the Marines’

Special Boat Squadron

Who have the motto By Strength And Guile

And are rated as tough as the SAS.

During Gulf War II, SBS teams were deployed

On key operations behind enemy lines.

Ian, who lived with his partner,

W as regarded as one of the top men in the SBS.

He was the 52nd British serviceman

To lose his life since Gulf War II

Began in March and the first special forces soldier to die.

Colonel Jerry Heal, director Royal Marines, said:

“Ian was extremely popular and a greatly

Admired member of the Royal Marines.

“He was widely respected for his professionalism,

commitment, and determination.

His positive outlook, bright disposition, and zest for life

Will be remembered with deep pride

And affection by all who knew him.”

Key operations ... special boat squadron

Tony Blair’s official spokesman said:

“The Prime Minister is obviously deeply saddened.

“We have always been aware that the work

That our troops do in Iraq

Is both dangerous and valuable.

“The Prime Minister has always been very aware

Of the risks our soldiers run,

At the same time as he believes

Their work is highly to be valued.

” Ian is believed to be the first SBS commando

Killed in combat for at least 30 years.

The grim news came as survivors

Of the Chinook crash in Iraq

R elived the moment their chopper was shot down.

Nineteen died and 17 were wounded when Saddam guerillas

Knocked out the CH-47 transport helicopter

With a surface-to-air missile

Near the notorious town of Fallujah.

Corporal Dave Tennant told how

He saw the missile race towards them

— Then hit home.

Speaking from his hospital bed, he said:

“I was watching out the back of the Chinook.

“It just hit the back of the Chinook.

It caught fire and we started going down.

“I just remember waking up in the rubble,

Trying to get out of the burning metal.

There was a lot of screaming.

” Sergeant Joe Mlinar — also with the

US Army’s 2nd Battalion, 5th Field Artillery

— Added: “I was on the ground and looked around.

Everyone was all over the place.”

“I’m tired and sore but relieved that I’m alive.”

Sixteen survivors are being treated

At Landstuhl military hospital in Germany,

Including 11 who are still critical.

Most have burns and broken bones.

All are expected to survive.


Chief Reporter

Sun Newspaper Uk