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AGE : 37

UNIT : Marine's 3rd Light Armored Reconaissance Batallion

HOMETOWN : Twentynine Palms, California

FAMILY : Dillon, 6 months old, Erik, 6, and Alex, 8

DETAILS : Even though his newborn was waiting for a heart transplant,

Maj. Hal Sellers opted to serve his country in the war.

With his newborn son in need of a life-saving heart transplant,

Maj. Hal Sellers faced a seemingly impossible decision.

Take a desk job with the Marines in Twentynine Palms

So he could be with his ailing baby

Or be deployed to the Middle East with his unit.

Sellers, a 13-year veteran of the Marines

Who is his unit's second in command,

Chose to serve overseas.

"It was not an easy decision to make,

But I felt it was the right decision to make,

" Said the 37-year-old Sellers

During a recent television interview from Kuwait.

"I joined the Marine Corps. voluntarily

And not just for those times when it's easy."

Baby Dillon, who was born with a heart that was unable to pump blood,

Got a transplanted organ on March 12.

Doctors say he's recovering well. So well,

The ruddy infant was sent home in the arms of mom, Betsy, on April 17.

Betsy Sellers said it was difficult not having her husband

By her side as 6-month-old Dillon struggled near death

For months and finally got his donor heart

Just days before the war began.

But she said her husband worried

That bringing in a new leader for his unit

So close to battle would not be good for the troops.

"It would have liked to have had him here

And have had his support," She said. "But at the same time,

I'm proud of his decision and what he is doing."

Betsy kept her husband up to date of their son's progress

Via intermittent telephone calls,

Even as his battalion of 700 Marines

Known as the Wolf Pack was among the first to move from Kuwait into Iraq.

One of Maj. Sellers' calls came just after

The baby's four-hour operation

At Loma Linda University Medical Center in California.

"He was concerned until he got word that surgery was all completed,

" Betsy Sellers said. "But he was very much relieved."

There is no word yet on when dad

Will be able to leave the battle

To establish a new Iraq to see his son,

Who continues to fight for his health.

But his wife hopes to have him home soon.

Until then, she continues to whisper

Her husband's heartfelt message to their son: "Daddy loves you."

Betsy and Dillon Sellers leave University Children's Hospital in Loma Linda,

California after Dillon's heart transplant.

By Jeordan Legon