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NAME : Chaplain Lt. Col. Philip Briganti

AGE : 56

UNIT : Ft. Bliss Office of the Chief of Chaplains

HOMETOWN : Paterson, New Jersey

DETAILS : This Army chaplain

Comforted families of fallen soldiers

And prayed with relatives of the POWs.

One week, he whispered prayers to a grief-stricken mother

Burying her soldier son.

The next, his ears hurt

From the roars of a crowd cheering

The return of former prisoners of war.

In his role as chaplain,

Lt. Col. Philip Briganti

Was a voice of comfort for families

At Fort Bliss Army post

Whose loved ones will never come home from Iraq.

And he was the person who helped give thanks

When rescued soldiers came back.

Ft. Bliss had nine of its soldiers killed

in the war and six who where POWs belonged to the post.

"I reached some of my lowest lows

And also some of my most joyful moments,

" Said Briganti, 56, who became

A Catholic priest 30 years ago.

"In all cases, I turned the families to God.

That is my bottom-line answer. ...

Even in the moments of darkest dread,

God's light is there.

You just have to be open to see it."

As head of religious operations at the sprawling

12,000-soldier post in El Paso, Texas,

Briganti's mission is to provide religious

Support to soldiers and their families.

During the war, he organized weekly meetings to pray for peace,

Accompanied officers who told relatives

That their loved ones were gone,

And spent time counseling friends and relatives of POWs.

He "was right in there, doing all the things

That families and soldiers needed,

" Fort Bliss spokeswoman Jean Offutt said.

Growing up, Briganti said, he had sometimes

Considered joining the military,

Following in the footsteps of his father,

A World War II veteran.

But after he became a priest at 26,

He thought he'd never serve.

It wasn't until nine years later

That he and his religious superiors

Agreed that he might be well-suited

For a chaplain position.

He was nominated and, after passing basic training,

He joined the Army.

Even though chaplains are considered noncombatants

And are forbidden to carry weapons,

They accompany troops into battle.

"I'm expected to be there where the soldiers are," said Briganti,

Who was deployed with troops to Kuwait in 1996 and Egypt in 1990.

Although part of him wishes he could have accompanied the units sent to Iraq,

He said he's glad he was able to offer spiritual guidance

To those who stayed behind, helping them search

For deeper spiritual meanings amid the sorrows of war.

Drawing the connection between war and faith,

Briganti said his Easter Sunday services

Beckoned the largest crowd he had seen in three decades.

"We here at Fort Bliss have had an incredible experience:

An experience of death, and, now, an experience of rebirth,

" He told a Chicago Tribune reporter after the Easter Mass.

"Our faith is what enables people here to look at death and face it.

We can still hope for tomorrow."

Chaplain helps families through grief, joy

By Jeordan Legon CNN