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"Please click on the FLAME OF LIFE

To visit the site where

You may secure your very own


To show your support of our troops"

We ask the Lord to Bless you

To Keep you in His care

All of you the heroes

Of freedom that we share

Oceans may divide us

But never far away

God is there to listen

To help us find the way

Feel His Gentle Spirit

Wherever you may go

Know that prayers are rising

With reverence that we show

God Bless you all and Keep you

Within His Special Light

Goodness and His Mercy

Guard you through the night

Soldiers off to battle

Families feel the pain

We ask that you remember

Each one that does remain

Hearts of all remembered

Upon the distant shore

Keep them safely sheltered

These prayers we seek and more.

Poem By ~ Francine Pucillo ~

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