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How to keep an idiot busy <-  click   go on
There are 8 things wrong in this pic can you find any of them
You Might Be A Bike Weenie If...

SURELY this has been posted
But if not...gawd its FUNNY

Darwin Awards .....2005
Child Support Questionaire Answers
You might be a redneck...
I'm not old yet, but getting there!
Have you ever wondered...
Widdle Wabbits
mistertweakathon.html     For the ladies only
The threat is very real...   
It CAN'T get worse than this!!
bike game
Error Messages planned for Windows XP
Top 10 Historical uses of the 'F' word...
Best Friend
How to Deal With A$$holes" Free internet screen cleaner
Roadie in HL2

How cool are you    Take this test to find out:

Women's code words and phrases
Ten Things Men Know About Women
My highest score has been 588.3 - don't know if you can actually get to 600
POLICE STATION TOILET STOLEN ... Cops have nothing to go on.
FOR SALE - French rifle. Never fired. Dropped once.
Procrastinate Now.
Rehab Is for Quitters.
My Dog Can Lick Anyone.
I Have a Degree in Liberal Arts - Do You Want Fries With That?
Quoting one is plagiarism; Quoting many is research.
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
A lady walks into a bar carrying a duck. A drunk says loudly "Hey, where'd you get the pig?"
The lady says, "Sir, I'll have you know this is a duck!"
The drunk replied, "I was talking to the duck.

PARIS (AP) - French Authorities arrested Lance Armstrong and disqualified him from this year's Tour de France on Friday after cleaning personnel discovered 3 substances in his motel room that are explicitly banned in France. Tour Officials are saddened by this turn of events and Lance Armstrong was not available for comment. When asked by reporters as to the identification of the substances, Police Crime Lab Investigators confirmed that the substances were in fact, toothpaste, deodorant and soap.


Yesterday ,scientists in Canada revealed that beer contains small traces of female hormones. To prove their theory they fed 100 men 12 pints of beer and observed that 100% of them started talking nonsense and couldn't drive.'

Sex Therapist

Having lunch one day, a sex therapist said to her friend, "According to a survey we just completed, ninety percent of all people masturbate in the shower. Only ten percent of them sing."
"Really?" asked the friend.
The therapist shook her head and proceeded to ask, "And do you know what song they sing?"
The friend nodded her head and replied, "No."
The therapist replied, "I didn't think so."

A rabbi, a priest, and a bishop walk into a bar.
The bartender says, "What is this, some kind of joke?"


bulletWhat is a bigamist? - An Italian fog.
bulletDid you hear about the Buddhist who refused his dentist's Novocain during root canal work? - He wanted to transcend dental medication.
bulletWhat do Eskimos get from sitting on the ice too long? - Polaroids.

The Moral of the Story...
One day, in a peaceful forest, a fly buzzed over a stream.
In the stream, a salmon was swimming, and it looked up and saw the fly. It thought to itself, "If that fly would drop down about a half an inch, I'd be able to jump up, catch it, and I'd have myself something to eat."

Alongside the stream, a bear was standing. The bear looked at the fly, and thought to itself, "If that fly would drop down about a half an inch, that salmon would jump up to catch it, and I could jump out, snag that salmon, and I'd have myself something to eat."

Across the stream, up a steep slope, a hunter was hidden in the brush. The hunter looked at the fly, and thought to himself, "If that fly would drop down about a half an inch, that salmon would jump up to catch it, the bear would jump up to catch the salmon, and I could jump up, shoot the bear, and I'd have myself a new trophy."

Hidden in the grass behind the hunter was a mouse. The mouse looked at the fly, and thought to itself, "If that fly would drop down about a half an inch, the salmon would jump up to catch it, the bear would jump up to catch the salmon, the hunter would jump up to shoot the bear, the sandwich in the hunter's pocket would fall out, and I'd have myself something to eat."

A bit higher up the slope, on a jutting rock, sat a pussy cat. The pussy cat looked down at the fly, and thought to itself, "If that fly would drop down about a half an inch, the salmon would jump up to catch it, the bear would jump up to catch the salmon, the hunter would jump up to shoot the bear, the sandwich in the hunter's pocket would fall out, the mouse would hop over to get the sandwich, I could leap down on it, and I'd have myself something to eat."

At that moment, the fly dropped down about a half an inch. The salmon leapt up and caught the fly, the bear leapt out and snagged the salmon, the hunter jumped up and shot the bear, the mouse hopped out and started to eat the hunter's sandwich, and the pussy cat leapt down to catch the mouse...but it missed. It rolled down the slope, and fell into the stream.

Moral of the Story: A lot of things have to happen for a pussy to get wet

Old Man and the Young Wife

You see this young lad walks out of a store and sees an elderly man sitting on a bench crying. This young lad walks over to the man to check to see if he is O.k.!

Young Lad: Sir, are you Okay?

Old Man: Yes, it's my birthday today (and he is still crying)

Young Lad: Wow, it's a special day for you.

Old Man.: Yes it is. I'm 82 today (and still crying.)

Young Lad: Even better, you look great for your age.

Old Man: Thank you, and I just got married (and he is still crying.)

Young Lad: Married!! Gee, that's great! 82 and married, wow! You've got a whole new life ahead of you.

Old Man: I married a 25 year old.

Young Lad: Holly Molly!! Even better.

Old Man: We have sex every day! (he's till crying)

Young Lad: I don't even have sex everyday, you lucky person you.

Old Man: Yes, I am, and I've forgotten where I lived.

Little Johnny
Little Johnny was sitting in class one day. All of the sudden, he needed to go to the bathroom. He yelled out, "Miss Jones, I need to take a piss!!" The teacher replied, "Now, Johnny, that is NOT the proper word to use in this situation. The correct word you want to use is 'urinate.' Please use the word 'urinate' in a sentence correctly, and I will allow you to go." Little Johnny thinks for a bit, then says, "You're an eight, but if you had bigger tits, you'd be a ten!!!"

A stranger was seated next to Little Johnny on the plane when the stranger turned to the Little Johnny and said, "Let's talk. I've heard that flights will go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger."

Little Johnny, who had just opened his book, closed it slowly, and said to the stranger, "What would you like to discuss?"

"Oh, I don't know," said the stranger. "How about nuclear power?"

"OK," said Little Johnny. "That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. "A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat grass. The same stuff. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?"

"Jeez," said the stranger. "I have no idea."

"Well, then," said Little Johnny, "How is it that you feel qualified to discuss nuclear power when you don't know shit?"

Little Johnny came running into the house and asked, "Mommy, can little girls have babies?" "No," said his Mom, "of course not."

Little Johnny then ran back outside and his Mom heard him yell to his friends, "It's okay, we can play that game again!"

Little Johnny came home from school to see the families pet rooster dead in the front yard. Rigormortis had set in and it was flat on its back with its legs in the air. When his Dad came home Johnny said, "Dad our roosters dead and his legs are sticking in the air. Why is his legs sticking in the air?"

His father thinking quickly said, "Son, that's so God can reach down from the clouds and lift the rooster straight up to heaven."

"Gee Dad that's great," said little Johnny. A few days later, when Dad came home from work, Johnny rushed out to meet him yelling, "Dad, Dad we almost lost Mom today!"

"What do you mean?" said Dad.

"Well Dad, I got home from school early today and went up to your bedroom and there was Mom flat on her back with her legs in the air screaming, "Jesus I'm coming, I'm coming" If it hadn't of been for Uncle George holding her down we'd have lost her for sure!

Little Johnny, on a day when he was being particularly reckless, was playing in the backyard one morning. Soon, some honeybees started swirling around, annoying little Johnny. He began stomping on them in his temper. His father caught him trampling the honeybees, and after a brief moment of thought said, "That's it! No honey for you for one month!"

Later that afternoon, Johnny pondered upon some butterflies, and soon started catching them and crushing them under his feet. His father again caught him, and after a brief moment of thought, said, "No butter for you for one month!"

Early that evening, Johnny's mother was cooking dinner, and got jumpy when cockroaches started scurrying around the kitchen floor. She began stomping on them one by one until all the cockroaches were dead. Johnny's mother looked up to find Johnny and his father standing there watching her. To which Johnny said, "Are you going to tell her, daddy, or should I?"

One day, during a lesson on proper grammar, the teacher asked for a show of hands for who could use the word "beautiful" in the same sentence twice. First, she called on little Suzy, who responded with, "My father bought my mother a beautiful dress and she looked beautiful in it."
"Very good, Suzy," replied the teacher. She then called on little Michael.
"My mommy planned a beautiful banquet and it turned out beautifully," he said.
"Excellent, Michael!" Then, the teacher called on little Johnny.
"Last night, at the dinner table, my sister told my father that she was pregnant, and he said, 'Beautiful, fu%*~#g beautiful!'"

George W. Bush was visiting an elementary school, and the 4th grade class he sat through began a discussion related to words and their meanings.
The teacher asked the President if he would like to lead the class in a discussion of the word "tragedy." So, George W. asked the class for an example of a tragedy.
One boy stood up and said, "If my best friend who lives next door is playing in the street and a car comes along and runs him over, that would be a tragedy."
"No," said Bush, "that would be an accident."
A girl raised her hand and said, "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove off a cliff, killing everyone on board, that would be a tragedy."
"I'm afraid not," the President said. "That's what we would call a Great Loss."
The room went silent. No other children volunteered. President Bush searched the room and asked, "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?"
Finally, way in the back of the room, Johnny raised his hand, and in a quiet voice, he said, "If Air Force One, carrying Mr. and Mrs. Bush, was struck by a missile and blown up to smithereens, THAT would be a tragedy."
"That's right! And can you tell me WHY that would be a tragedy?" asked the President.
"Well," Johnny said, "because it wouldn't be an accident and it sure as hell wouldn't be a Great Loss..."

Little Johnny is passing his parents' bedroom in the middle of the night, in search of a glass of water. Hearing a lot of moaning and thumping, he peeks in and catches his folks in The Act. Before dad can even react, Little Johnny exclaims "Oh, boy! Horsie ride! Daddy, can I ride on your back?" Daddy, relieved that Johnny's not asking more uncomfortable questions, and seeing the opportunity not to break his stride, agrees. Johnny hops on and daddy starts going to town. Pretty soon mommy starts moaning and gasping. Johnny cries out "Hang on tight, Daddy! This is the part where me and the milkman usually get bucked off!"

Little Johnny was sitting in class doing math problems when his teacher picked him to answer a question. "Johnny, if there were five birds sitting on a fence and you shot one with your gun, how many would be left?" "None." replied Johnny,"'cause the rest would fly away." "Well, the answer is four," said the teacher. "But I like the way you are thinking." Little Johnny said, "I have a question for you now. If there were three women eating ice cream cones in a shop, one licking her cone, the second biting her cone, and the third one sucking her cone, which one is married?" "Well," said the teacher nervously, "I guess the one sucking the cone?" "No," said Little Johnny, "the one with the wedding ring on her finger. But I like the way you are thinking."

One day in class the teacher brought a bag full of fruit. "Now class, I'm going to reach into the bag and describe a piece of fruit, and you tell what fruit I'm talking about. Okay, first: it's round, plumb and red." Of course, Johnny raised his hand high, but the teacher, wisely ignored him and picked Deborah, who promptly answered "An apple." The teacher replied, "No Deborah, it's a beet, but I like your thinking." Now for the second. It's soft, fuzzy,and colored red and brownish." Well, Johnny is hopping up and down in his seat trying to get the teacher to call on him. But she skips him again and calls on Billy. "Is it a peach?" Billy asks. "No, Billy, I'm afraid it's a potato. But I like your thinking," the teacher replys. Here's another: it's long, yellow, and fairly hard." By now Johnny is about to explode as he waves his hand frantically. The teacher skips him again and calls on Sally. "A banana," she says. "No," the teacher replies, "it's a squash, but I like your thinking." Johnny is kind of irritated now, so he speaks up loudly. "Hey, I've got one for you teacher; let me put my hand in my pocket. Okay, I've got it: it's round, hard, and it got a head on it." "Johnny!" she cries. "That's disgusting!" "Nope," answers Johnny, "it's a quarter, but I like your thinking!"

A nursery school teacher says to her class, "Who can use the word 'definitely' in a sentence?"
First a little girl says, "The sky is definitely blue."
The teacher says, "Sorry, Amy, but the sky can sometimes be gray, or black."
A second little boy says,"Trees are definitely green."
"Sorry, but in the autumn, the trees are brown."
Then little Johnny from the back of the class stands up and asks, "Does a fart have lumps?"
The teacher looks horrified and says, "Johnny! Of course not!!!"
"OK...then I DEFINITELY shit my pants!"

Plastic Surgery
A woman in the bar says that she wants to have plastic surgery to enlarge her breasts.
Her husband tells her, "Hey, you don't need surgery to do that. I know how to do it without surgery."
The lady asks, "How do I do it without surgery?"
"Just rub toilet paper between them."
Startled the lady asks, "How does that make them bigger?"
"I don't know, but it worked for your ass."

A man was walking down the street when he was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking man who asked him for a couple of dollars for dinner.
The man took out his wallet, extracted ten dollars and asked, "If I give you this money, will you buy some beer with it instead?""No, I had to stop drinking years ago," the man replied.
"Will you use it to gamble instead of buying food?" the man asked."No, I don't gamble," the man said. "I need everything I can get just to stay alive."
"Will you spend this on greens fees at a golf course instead of food?"the man asked.
"Are you NUTS!" replied the man. "I haven't played golf in 20 years!"
"Will you spend the money on a woman in the red light district instead of food?" the man asked.
"What disease would I get for ten lousy bucks?" exclaimed the man."Well," said the man, "I'm not going to give you the money.Instead, I'm going to take you home for a terrific dinner cooked by
my wife."
The man was astounded. "Won't your wife be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting."
The man replied, "That's okay. I just want her to see what a man looks like who has given up beer, gambling, golf, and sex."

 A bloke is in a queue at the super market when he notices that the
 rather dishy blonde behind him has just raised her hand and smiled hello
 to him. He is rather taken aback that such a looker would be waving to
 him, and although familiar he can't place where he might know her from,
 so he says "Sorry, do you know me?" She replies "I may be mistaken, but
 I thought you might be the father of one of my children!" His mind
 shoots back to the one and only time he has been unfaithful, "Christ!"
 he says "Are you that stripogram on my stag night that I shagged on the
 snooker table in front of all my mates whilst your mate whipped me with
 some wet celery and stuck a cucumber up my ar+e?" "No" she replies, "I'm
 your son's English Teacher"

How to clean your mouse....   (This actually works pretty well)

To recalibrate your mouse, click and hold on the S.  Then drag the S toward the e.  If it doesn't work, you might want to clean your mouse.
Stop mucking around and go do something constructive

 Solid Bubbles
Bikini clad "ragdoll"
Physics engine in Flash
Result:Something mezmerising... like a lava lamp but interactive (you can grab limbs etc.)

It's incredible!!
> 1st , Click on the address below....look and see the shark under the water.
> Keep your cursor out of the picture until you see the shark.
> Then move your mouse cursor onto the picture, but stand back, you might get wet (it's like its 3D).
> Turn your speakers up for the full affect.

CLICK ON: Worlds Most Dangerous Creature

An extraordinarily handsome man decided he had the
responsibility to marry the perfect woman so
they could produce beautiful children beyond compare.
With that as his mission, he began searching for the perfect woman.
Shortly thereafter he met a farmer who had three stunning,
gorgeous daughters that positively took his breath away.
So he explained his mission to the farmer,
asking for permission to marry one of them.
The farmer simply replied, "They're lookin' to get married,
so you came to the right place. Look 'em over and pick the one you want."
The man dated the first daughter.
The next day the farmer asked for the man's opinion.
"Well," said the man, "she's just a weeeeee bit,
not that you can hardly notice...pigeon-toed."
The farmer nodded and suggested the man date one
of the other girls; so the man went out with the second daughter.
The next day, the farmer again asked how things went.
"the man replied, "she's just a weeeee bit,
not that you can hardly tell...cross-eyed."
The farmer nodded and suggested he date the third girl
to see if things might be better. So he did.
The next morning the man rushed in exclaiming,
"She's perfect, just perfect. She's the one I want to marry."
So they were wed right away.
Months later the baby was born.
When the man visited the nursery he was horrified: the baby was
the ugliest, most pathetic human you can imagine. He
rushed to his father-in-law asking how such a thing
could happen, considering the beauty of the parents.

"Well," explained the farmer,
"She was just a weeeee bit, not that you could hardly tell...
pregnant when you met her ."

I'm sure you all wanted to know this!!!Facts on Farts

Q: What do you call an eternity?
A: Four Blondes in four cars at a four way stop.

Q: Why do Blondes have TGIF written on their shoes?
A: Toes Go In First.

Three Blondes were driving to Disneyland. After being in the car for four
hours they finally saw a sign that said "Disneyland "Left", so they
turned around and went home.

Q: What do SMART Blondes and UFO's have in common?
A: You always hear about them but never see them.

Q: What did the Blonde say when she opened the box of Cheerios?
A: Oh look, Daddy...Doughnut seeds.

Q: Why did the Blonde stare at the can of frozen orange juice?
A: Because it said concentrate.

Q: Why do blondes always smile during lightning storms?
A: They think their picture is being taken.

Q: How can you tell when a Blonde sends you a fax?
A: It has a stamp on it.

Q: Why can't Blondes dial 911?
A: They can't find the 11 on the phone!

Q: What do you do if a Blonde throws a pin at you?
A: Run, she's got a grenade in her mouth!

Q: How can you tell if a Blonde has been using your computer?
A: There is white-out all over the monitor.

Q: Why shouldn't Blondes have coffee breaks?
A: It takes too long to retrain them.

A Blonde and a brunette were walking outside when the brunette said, "Oh
look at the dead bird." The Blonde looked skyward and said, "Where, where?"

Q: How do you drown a Blonde?
A: Put a scratch & sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool.

Q: Why does it take longer to build a Blonde snowman as opposed to a regular one?
A: You have to hollow out the head.

Q: How do you get a twinkle in a Blonde's eye?
A: Shine a flashlight in her ear.

Q: Hear about the blonde that got an AM radio?
A: It took her a month to realize she could play it at night.

Q: What happened to the blonde Ice Hockey Team?
A: They drowned in Spring Training.

Q: What did the blonde say when she saw the sign in front of the YMCA?
A: "Look! They spelled MACY'S wrong!"

Q: How do you make a blonde laugh on Saturday?
A: Tell her joke on Wednesday.

Q: What's a blonde and a postage stamp got in common.
A: Lick Em, Stick Em, Send Em

Q: How can you tell if a blonde has been on the computer?
A: There is tipex on the screen.

Q: How can you tell if she has been on again?
A: She has left cheese for the mouse.

Q. What is the generic name for Viagra?
A. Mycoxafillin....

Q: How do you know if a pilot is at your party?
A: He'll tell you.

Q: How do you know when you are half way through a date with a pilot?
A: Because he says: "Thats enough about flying, let's talk about me"!

Q. What do Saddam Hussein and General Custer have in common?
A. They both want to know where all those Tomahawks are coming from!

Q: What is the best Iraqi job?
A: Foreign Ambassador.

Q: Did you hear that it is twice as easy to train Iraqi fighter pilots?
A. You only have to teach them to take off.

Q. How do you play Iraqi bingo?
A. B-52...F-16...B-2.

Q: What is Iraq's national bird?
A: Duck.

A woman walks into a supermarket and buys:
1 bar of soap
1 toothbrush
1 tube of toothpaste
1 loaf of bread
1 pint of milk
1 single serving of cereal
1 single serving frozen dinner
1 can of Soup For One
1 16oz can of Miller Lite

The guy at the checkout looks at her and says, "Single, are you?"
The woman smiles sweetly and replies, "How did you guess?"

He replies, "Because you're ugly."

Q. Why is a blonde like a doorknob?
A. Because everyone gets a turn.

Q. What's the difference between a blonde and a bowling ball?
A. You can only fit 3 fingers in a bowling ball.

Q. What does a screen door and a blonde have in common?
A. The more you bang it, the looser it gets!

Q. What do you call 20 blondes in a freezer?
A. Frosted Flakes

Q. What do you call a dumb blonde behind a steering wheel?
A. An airbag.

Q. How can you tell a blonde has had a bad day?
A. She has a tampon tucked under her ear and she can't find her pencil.

Q. What's the difference between a blonde and an ironing board?
A. Its difficult to open the legs on an ironing board.

Q. How did the blonde burn her nose?
A. Bobbing for chips.

Q. What do you call a zit on a blondes ass?
A. Brain tumor.

Blondes’ Revenge

What do you call a Blonde without an asshole?

What is the next exhibit at Ripley’s “Believe It Or Not?”
A man born with a penis and a brain.

Why are most Blonde jokes only two lines long?
So men can understand them.

What is a man’s view of safe sex?
A padded head board.

Why did God create man?
Because neither a dildo nor a vibrator can mow the lawn.

How can you tell if a man is dead?
He stays stiff for more then two minutes.

Why do men have holes in their penises?
So they can get air to their brains.

Why do women get more hemorrhoids than men?
Because when God created man, He created the perfect asshole!

Why are men like laxatives?
They irritate the shit out of you.

Why do men like masturbation?
It’s sex with the only one they really love.

Why do you guys like Blondes with big tits and tight pussies?
Because you guys have big mouths and little dicks!

Why can’t men get mad cows disease?
Because men are pigs!

What do Blondes do with their assholes in the morning?
Pack their lunch and send them to work.

Who’s Smarter? Blonde or Lawyer?

A lawyer and a blonde woman are sitting next to each other on a long flight from Los Angeles to New York. The lawyer leans over to her and asks if she would like to play a fun game. The blonde is tired and just wants to take a nap, so she politely declines and rolls over to the window to catch a few winks. The lawyer persists, saying that the game is really easy and a lot of fun.
He explains how the game works: “I ask you a question, and if you don’t know the answer, you pay me, and visa-versa.”
Again, she politely declines and tries to get some sleep.
The chauvinistic lawyer figures that since his opponent is a blonde he will easily win the match, so he makes another offer:
“Okay, how about this. If you don’t know the answer you pay me only $5, but if I don’t know the answer, I will pay you $50.”
This catches the blonde’s attention and, figuring that there will be no end to this torment unless she plays, she agrees to play the game.
The lawyer asks the first question. “What’s the distance from the earth to the moon?”
The blonde doesn’t say a word, reaches in to her purse, pulls out a five-dollar bill, and hands it to the lawyer.
Now, it’s the blonde’s turn. She asks the lawyer, “What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down with four?”
The lawyer looks at her with a puzzled look. He takes out his laptop computer and searches all his references. He taps into the Airphone with his modem and searches the Net and even the Library of Congress. Frustrated, he sends E-mails to all his co-workers and friends he knows. All to no avail.
After over an hour, of searching for the answer he finally gives up. He wakes the blonde and hands her $50.
The blonde politely takes the $50 and turns away to get back to sleep.
The lawyer, who is more than a little frustrated, wakes the blonde and asks, “Well, so what is the answer?” Again without a word, the blonde reaches into her purse, hands the lawyer $5, and goes back to sleep.

Why Me?
A man was wandering around in a field, thinking about how good his wife had been to him and how fortunate he was to have her. He asked God, "Why did you make her so kind-hearted?"
The Lord responded, "So you could love her, my son."
"Why did you make her so good-looking?"
"So you could love her, my son."
"Why did you make her such a good cook?"
"So you could love her, my son."
The man thought about this. Then he said, "I don't mean to seem ungrateful or anything, but ... why did you make her so stupid?"
"So she could love you, my son."

A man placed some flowers on the grave of his dearly departed mother and started back toward his car when his attention was diverted to a lady kneeling at a grave.
The lady seemed to be praying with profound intensity and kept repeating, "Why did you have to die? Why did you have to die?"
The first man approached her and said, "Mam, I don't wish to interfere with your private grief, but this demonstration of pain is more than I've ever seen before. For whom do you mourn so deeply? A child? A parent?"
The mourner took a moment to collect herself, then replied, "My husband's first wife."

Burned Out
A man is having problems with his pecker which certainly had seen better times. He consults a doctor who, after a couple of tests, says, "Sorry, but you've overdone it the last 30 years. Your pecker is burned out; you only have 30 erections left in your penis."
The man walks home (deeply depressed); his wife is waiting for him at the front door and asks him what the doctor said concerning his problem. He tells her what the doctor had said.
She says, "Oh no, only 30 times! We shouldn't waste that; we should make a list!"
He replies, "Yes, I already made a list on the way home. Sorry, your name isn't on it."

Reasons Why It's Great to Be a Girl

bulletFree dinners.
bulletYou can cry without pretending there's something in your contact.
bulletSpeeding ticket? What's that?
bulletYou actually get extra points for sitting on your butt, watching sports.
bulletIf you're a lousy athlete, you don't have to question your worth as a human being.
bulletA new lipstick gives you a whole new lease on life.
bulletIn high school, you never had to walk down the hall with your binder strategically positioned.
bulletIf you have to be home in time for Ally McBeal, you can say so, out loud.
bulletIf you're not making enough money, you can blame the glass ceiling.
bulletIf you're not very attractive, you can fool 'em with makeup.
bulletIf you use self-tanner, it doesn't necessarily mean you're a big loser.
bulletYou could possibly live your whole life without ever taking a group shower.
bulletBrad Pitt.
bulletYou don't have to fart to amuse yourself.
bulletYou'll never have to decide where to hide your nose-hair clippers.
bulletWhen you take off your shoes, nobody passes out.
bulletIf the person you're dating is much better at something than you are, you don't have to break up with him.
bulletIf you think the person your dating really likes you, you don't have to break up with him.
bulletIf you don't shave, no one will know.
bulletIf you're dumb, some people will find it cute.
bulletYou don't have to memorize Caddyshack or Fletch to fit in.
bulletYou can dress yourself.
bulletYour hair is yours to keep.
bulletIf you ARE bald, people will think you did it on purpose, and you're really chic.
bulletYou don't have to pretend to like cigars.
bulletYou'll never have to blow 2 months salary on anything.
bulletIf you marry someone 20 years younger, you know you look like an idiot.
bulletYou're rarely compelled to scream at the TV.
bulletYou and your friends don't have to get totally wasted in order to share your feelings.
bulletIf you pick up the check once in a while, that's plenty.
bulletSitting and watching people is all the entertainment you need.
bulletYour friend won't think you're weird when you ask if there's spinach in your teeth.
bulletWhen you get a million catalogues in the mail, it's a good thing.
bulletSometimes, chocolate truly can solve all your problems.
bulletIf you're under 6', you don't have to lie about it.
bulletYou'll never regret piercing your ears.
bulletYou can fully assess someone just by looking at his or her shoes.
bulletYou'll never discover you've been fooled by a Wonderbra.
bulletYou don't have hair on your back.
bulletIf anything on your body isn't as big as it should be, you can get implants.
bulletYou can tell which glass was yours by the lipstick mark.
bulletIf you have big ears, no one has to know.
bulletYou can be attracted to someone just because they're really funny.
bulletYou can borrow your spouse's clothes and it doesn't mean you belong on Jerry Springer.

Reasons Why It's Great to Be a Guy

bulletPhone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
bulletMovie nudity is virtually always female.
bulletA five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
bulletMonday Night Football.
bulletThe bathroom lines are 80% shorter.
bulletYou can open all your own jars.
bulletDry cleaners and haircutters don't rob you blind.
bulletWhen clicking through the channels, you don't have to stall on every shot of someone crying.
bulletA beer gut does not make you invisible to the opposite sex.
bulletYou don't have to lug a bag of useless stuff around everywhere you go.
bulletYou understand why the movie "Stripes" is funny.
bulletYou can go to the bathroom without a support group.
bulletThe garage is all yours.
bulletYou get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
bulletYou can be showered and ready in 10 minutes.
bulletIf someone forgets to invite you to something, he or she can still be your friend.
bulletYour underwear is $10 for a three pack.
bulletThe National College Cheerleading Championship.
bulletYou don't have to shave below your neck.
bulletIf you're 34 and single nobody notices.
bulletEverything on your face stays its original color.
bulletYou can quietly enjoy a car ride from the passenger seat.
bulletFlowers fix everything.
bulletYou can wear a white shirt to a water park.
bulletThree pair of shoes is more than enough.
bulletMichael Bolton doesn't live in your universe.
bulletNobody stops telling a good dirty joke when you walk into the room.
bulletYou can whip your shirt off on a hot day.
bulletAuto mechanics tell you the truth.
bulletYou can watch a game in silence with you buddy for hours without even thinking, "He must be mad at me."
bulletYou get to jump up and slap stuff.
bulletOne mood, all the time.
bulletYou can admire Clint Eastwood without starving yourself to look like him.
bulletYou know at least 20 ways to open a beer bottle.
bulletYou can sit with your knees apart no matter what you are wearing.
bulletGray hair and wrinkles add character.
bulletWedding Dress $2000; Tux rental $100.
bulletYou don't mooch off others' desserts.
bulletIf you retain water, it's in a canteen.
bulletThe remote is yours and yours alone.
bulletESPN's Sports Center.
bulletBachelor parties rule over bridal showers.
bulletYou don't need to pretend you're "freshening up" to go to the bathroom.
bulletIf another guy shows up at the party in the same outfit, you might become life long buddies.
bulletThe occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected.
bulletNew shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
bulletYou don't have to remember everyone's birthdays and anniversaries.
bulletYour pals can be trusted never to trap you with: "So... notice anything different?"
bulletThere is always a game on somewhere.
Hallmark when you care to send the very???

Heard your wife left you,

How upset you must be.

But don't fret about it...

She moved in with me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Looking back over the years

that we've been together,

I can't help but wonder...

"What the hell was I thinking?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Congratulations on your wedding day!

Too bad no one likes your husband.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

How could two people as beautiful as you

Have such an ugly baby?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I've always wanted to have

someone to hold,

someone to love

After having met you ..

I've changed my mind.


I must admit, you brought Religion into my life.

I never believed in Hell until I met you.


As the days go by, I think of how lucky I am...

That you're not here to ruin it for me.

#################################### ################

Congratulations on your promotion.

Before you go...

Would you like to take this knife out of my back?

You'll probably need it again.

************************************ ************************************ ********

Happy Birthday, Uncle Dad!

(Available only in Tennessee, Kentucky & West Virginia)


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Happy birthday! You look great for your age.

Almost Lifelike!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When we were together,

you always said you'd die for me.

Now that we've broken up,

I think it's time you kept your promise.


We have been friends for a very long time ..

let's say we stop?

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++

I'm so miserable without you

it's almost like you're here.

==================================== =================

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

Did you ever find out who the father was?


Your friends and I wanted to do

something special for your birthday

So we're having you put to sleep.

)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))

So your daughter's a hooker,
and it spoiled your day.

Look at the bright side,

it's really good pay.

Daryl is driving over the Sydney Harbour Bridge one day when he sees his girlfriend Shazza about to throw herself off.
Daryl slams on the brakes and yells: "Shazza what the blazes d'ya think ya doing?"
Shazza turns around with a tear in her eye and says: "G'day Daryl. You got me pregnant, so now I'm gonna kill meself".
Daryl gets a lump in his throat when he hears this. "Shazza", he says "Fair dinkum, not only are ya a top root, but you're a real sport too"
..... and drives off..........
Said in Court...
These are things people actually said in court, word for word.
Q: What is your date of birth?
A: July fifteenth.
Q: What year?
A: Every year.

Q: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
A: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.

Q: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
A: Yes.
Q: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
A: I forget.
Q: You forget. Can you give us an example of something that you've forgotten?

Q: How old is your son, the one living with you.
A: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which.
Q: How long has he lived with you?
A: Forty-five years.

Q: What was the first thing your husband said to you when he woke that morning?
A: He said, "Where am I, Cathy?"
Q: And why did that upset you?
A: My name is Susan.

Q: And where was the location of the accident?
A: Approximately milepost 499.
Q: And where is milepost 499?
A: Probably between milepost 498 and 500.

Q: Sir, what is your IQ?
A: Well, I can see pretty well, I think.

Q: Did you blow your horn or anything?
A: After the accident?
Q: Before the accident.
A: Sure, I played for ten years. I even went to school for it.

Q: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo or the occult?
A: We both do.
Q: Voodoo?
A: We do.
Q: You do?
A: Yes, voodoo.

Q: Trooper, when you stopped the defendant, were your red and blue lights flashing?
A: Yes.
Q: Did the defendant say anything when she got out of her car?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: What did she say?
A: What disco am I at?

Q: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't
know about it until the next morning?

Q: The youngest son, the twenty-year old, how old is he?

Q: Were you present when your picture was taken?

Q: Was it you or your younger brother who was killed in the war?

Q: Did he kill you?

Q: How far apart were the vehicles at the time of the collision?

Q: You were there until the time you left, is that true?

Q: How many times have you committed suicide?

Q: She had three children, right?
A: Yes.
Q: How many were boys?
A: None.
Q: Were there any girls?

Q: You say the stairs went down to the basement?
A: Yes.
Q: And these stairs, did they go up also?

Q: Mr. Slatery, you went on a rather elaborate honeymoon, didn't you?
A: I went to Europe, Sir.
Q: And you took your new wife?

Q: How was your first marriage terminated?
A: By death.
Q: And by whose death was it terminated?

Q: Can you describe the individual?
A: He was about medium height and had a beard.
Q: Was this a male, or a female?

Q: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which
I sent to your attorney?
A: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.

Q: Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?
A: All my autopsies are performed on dead people.

Q: All your responses must be oral, OK? What school did you go to?
A: Oral.

Q: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
A: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
Q: And Mr. Dennington was dead at the time?
A: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy.

Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for breathing?
A: No.
Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
A: No.
Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
Q: But could the patient have still been alive nevertheless?
A: It is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere.
Signs Written in English Discovered Around the World

On a French passenger jet:
Live West Under Your Seat.

In a Tokyo hotel:
Is forbidden to steal hotel towels please. If you are not a person
to do such thing is please not to read notis.

In a Bucharest hotel lobby:
The lift is being fixed for the next day. During that time we
regret that you will be unbearable.

In a Leipzig elevator:
Do not enter the lift backwards, and only when lit up.

In a Belgrade hotel elevator:
Please leave your values at the front desk.

In a hotel in Athens:
Visitors are expected to complain at the office between the hours
of 9 and 11 a.m. daily.

In a Yugoslav hotel:
The flattening of underwear with pleasure is the job of the

In a Japanese hotel:
You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid.

In the lobby of a Moscow hotel across from a Russian Monastery:
You are welcome to visit the cemetery where famous Russian and
Soviet composers, artists, and writers are buried daily except Thursday.

In an Austrian hotel catering to skiers:
Not to perambulate the corridors in the hours of repose in the
boots of ascension.

In a Swiss mountain inn:
Special today: no ice cream.

On the menu of a Swiss restaurant:
Our wines leave you nothing to hope for.

On the menu of a Polish hotel:
Salad a firm's own make; limpid red beet soup with cheesy dumplings
in the form of a finger; roasted duck let loose; beef rashers beaten up in
the country people's fashion.

Alongside a Hong Kong tailor shop:
Ladies may have a fit upstairs.

Two signs from a Mallorcan shop entrance:
English well talking. Here speeching American.

At a Bangkok dry cleaners:
Drop your trousers here for best results.

Outside a Paris dress shop:
Dresses for street walking.

Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand:
Would you like to ride on your own ***?

At a Rhodes tailor shop:
Order your summer suit. Because is big rush we will execute
customers in strict rotation.

Similarly, from the Soviet Weekly:
There will be a Moscow exhibition of arts by 15,000 Soviet Republic
painters and sculptors. These were executed over the past two years.

A sign posted in Germany's Black Forest:
It is strictly forbidden on our Black Forest camping site that
people of different sex, for instance, men and women, live together in one
tent unless they are married with each other for that purpose.

In a Zurich hotel:
Because of the impropriety of entertaining guests of the opposite
sex in the bedroom, it is suggested that the lobby be used for this

In an advertisement by a Hong Kong dentist:
Teeth extracted by the latest Methodists.

In a Rome laundry:
Ladies, leave your clothes here and spend the afternoon having a
good time.

In a Norwegian cocktail lounge:
Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar.

At a Budapest zoo:
Please do not feed the animals. If you have any suitable foods,
give it to the guard on duty.

At the office of a Rome doctor:
Specialist in women and other diseases.

At an Acapulco hotel:
The manager has personally passed all the water served here.

At a Tokyo shop:
Our nylons cost more than common, but you'll find they are best in
the long run.

A Japanese information booklet about using a hotel air conditioner:
Cooles and Heates: If you want just condition of warm in your room,
please control yourself.

From a brochure of a car rental firm in Tokyo:
When passenger of foot heave in sight, tootle the horn. Trumpet him
melodiously at first, but if he still obstacles your passage, then tootle
him with vigor.

In a Bangkok temple:
It is forbidden to enter a woman even a foreigner if dressed as a man.

In a Tokyo bar:
Special cocktails for the ladies with nuts.

In a Copenhagen airline ticket office:
We take your bags and send them in all directions.

On the door of a Moscow hotel room:
If this is your first visit to the USSR, you are welcome to it.

Who Says That Cops Don't Have A Sense Of Humor?

"Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they're new. They'll stretch out after
you wear them awhile."

"Take your hands off the car, and I'll make your birth certificate a worthless

"If you run, you'll only go to jail tired."

"Can you run faster than 1,200 feet per second? In case you didn't know, that is
the average speed of a 9 mm bullet fired from my gun."

"So you don't know how fast you were going. I guess that means I can write
anything I want on the ticket, huh?"

"Yes, Sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think it will help.
Oh ... did I mention that I am the shift supervisor?"

"Warning! You want a warning? O.K., I'm warning you not to do that again or I'll
give you another ticket."

"The answer to this last question will determine whether you are drunk or not.
Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?"

"Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to ride on
rides, eat cotton candy, and step in monkey poop."

"Yeah, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster oven."

"In God we trust, all others we run through NCIC."

"Just how big were those two beers?"

"No sir we don't have quotas anymore. We used to have quotas but now we're
allowed to write as many tickets as we want."

"I'm glad to hear the Chief of Police is a good personal friend of yours. At
least you know someone who can post your bail."

"You didn't think we give pretty women tickets? You're right, we don't. Sign