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Chass's Story
He got This article out of the Cold Coast News Paper and changed it completely.
The head line was , Lindsay fast becoming a threat.

Brisbane cyclist, John Lindsay, gave me the following exclusive. He said that he had ridden an unbelievable race, as the day before, he had been suffering from pleurisy/flu/plague. But believing he could win, he made it to the start.

Thinking as he does, he decided to upset people at the start by telling them that he was the dark horse in the field as only recently he had beaten Terry Peters, Hank Vogles and Robbie McKewan.  He added that it would have been O’Grady, too, but he left for overseas when he heard John was entering the race.

I started to ask John about the race but before I could, a blast of very hot air gushed towards me, followed by this astounding tale of unbelievable skill and courage, and all this while his head was pushing out from under his helmet.

He actually missed the start by 25 minutes as he was telling a herd of cows how he was going to destroy the field. Amazingly, he caught the bunch after only 5 kms, riding in his favourite gearing of 73x5.  He went past at 75kph having knocked over 15 riders with the wind force.

He said that he kept going feeling very angry at them for not waiting at the start  But the thought of meeting them over the next 20 years and reliving his victor inspired him further.  Apparently, they don’t have much to talk about! John went on to assure me that this was only half the story.

John said that with about 5 kms to go, he had an attack of the guilts, so he decided to knock on a few doors of the local residents and tell them how far in front he was.John was pleased to accept a lunch invite from one old couple.

John thought, why not, as he had about 1 hour to spare, with only 5kms to go. 

He though that some of the guys would appreciate his sportsmanship. Feeling very full of the steak and four hot pies lunch, he waved good-bye to the old couple, who he said never said a word. This correspondent found that a complaint had been maid by the elderly couple. They were suffering from cronic pain in the ears. John went on to say that with only 4 kms to go, no-one way helping him. One cyclist is reported to have said later, "we didn't want to hear of his cycling exploits!"          This is how John describes the thrilling last 1 km.   "I’m felling better now, imagine how I would have gone if I felt this way at the start.

They were catching up now. I looked down at my speedo- BLOODY HELL- I WAS ONLY DOING 65KPH! I hoped that I hadn’t given them a shot at me!

Then wouldn’t you know it- with 400 metres to go- I got 2 punctures! Christ, I thought, this might have blown it!But I quickly changed one tyre, left the other and went after them.  

With 50 metres to go, I caught up with them, and I knew I had it in the bag!  I eased up to make it look good and still won by 50 metres.  I had so much momentum going I decided to cycle on to Murwillumbah and order a few papers as I knew it would be in the local and overseas papers. My only disappointment was finding out the $30 prize money was not $3000 as deserved.  I suppose this will make winning another handicap race very hard, now that everyone will hear of this win. They will if I have anything to do with it!"