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Finding Solace In Love (PG-13)

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with NBC or JER, (Trust me if I was we wouldn't be watching the same old tired storylines. Oh, and a million thank yous to Trish for making the beautiful banner above.

Imagine you could go back and "fix" Fox and Theresa's moment on the beach in LA...what would you do? This is my take on what SHOULD have happened...

Still floating from his euphoric high after the sensual show he and Theresa had put on for Ethan’s benefit; Fox offered Theresa his hand as they walked together down the wooden staircase leading from the club onto the beach. Watching how she carried his shirt and her discarded shoes in her other hand Fox couldn’t help thinking with a smile that he’d seen a side of her tonight that he’d never known existed. And it was most definitely a side that he wouldn’t mind seeing more often.

“I had no idea that you could dance like that.”

“Well…there are a lot of things that you don’t know about me Fox.”

“Really?” His mind swirled with the possibilities that her teasing held. No one returned his witty banter quite like Theresa. His smile widened even broader at the affirmative noise she made in response.

“You know if I didn’t know any better, if I didn’t know that you were in love with Ethan, I’d think you were flirting with me.”

Reaching the sandy beach he takes a few steps ahead and turns to face her as she cleverly avoids his stare.

“Well…okay…little secret?” his smile grew even wider as he watched her fidget with his shirt.


“When you…when you came back, you know to Harmony,” putting his hands on his hips he loved how flustered he’d been able to make her, “when we were living in the mansion together, I have to admit…I did find you attractive.”

“Is that right?” Scratching his chin he thought for a second before admitting, “I had the hots for you too. In fact, there was a time or two when I was thinking about putting the moves on you.”


“Mmhmm,” averting his stare away from her sparkling brown orbs he pauses for a moment as he realizes how quickly this situation could evolve into something more. Theresa saw it too as she kept trying to sheepishly avoid meeting his eyes, knowing that if she did she would be lost in them completely.

“Like um, we…we’d be in your bedroom talking, and…we’d just be getting closer…closer,” the roughness of his voice seduced her almost as much as his growing nearness as he took two steps closer toward her. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt his hand brush the hair from her face and caress her cheek as he continued to speak to her.

“And, I just wanted to lean in,” he quietly told her as he slowly brought his lips to hers. Both were completely lost in the moment as they realized how much they wanted this to happen. Both knew that this moment had been a long time coming. As Fox drew closer to her Theresa braced herself, knowing how badly she wanted him. Finally she’d get to taste those tempting lips…

When suddenly a voice nearby broke the tantalizing silence between them, “Hey, you two!”

Startled Theresa reacted abruptly, “Oh that must be Ethan…lets make it worth his while huh?”

Pulling Fox close she unleashed her desire for him as she channeled it all into their kiss. Catching him off guard he roughly pulled her warmth closer into him as he let loose all his pent up need and practically devoured her.

His energy was overwhelming her and she quickly felt her knees buckle beneath her. Slowly lowering them both onto the sand Fox cradled her in his arms; his shirt and the shoes she’d been holding fell forgotten beside them.

She felt his weight press her firmly into the sand beneath them and she couldn’t contain the elicit moan that escaped her lips at the sensation. His need for her taking over, Fox crushed his bare chest against hers; his hips cradled against her center. She felt him harden against her and she cried out in her glorious hunger for him.

Fox was so completely lost in the sweet surrender of their passion that he was caught totally by surprise when two forceful hands yanked him away from Theresa. Eventually the unmistakably enraged voice of his half-brother leaked through the heavy silence.

“Get off of her!”

Instantly disoriented by the sudden loss of her touch; Fox stumbles backward to find Ethan leaning over a very confused looking Theresa. Fox watches as Ethan bends to help her up, naturally assuming the worst of him and the situation.

“Theresa, are you okay?” Ethan’s concerned tone was undeniably accusatory.

Still dizzy from the heady euphoria of their embrace Fox watches her in silence as Theresa’s eyes light up with bewilderment; her expression as she stares back at him fuels his own growing desire for her.

Then somewhat quickly assuming his role in their charade as lovers for Ethan’s benefit, Fox’s shock and disappointment is transformed into purposeful anger. Although at the same time he reads what he senses is hurt in Theresa’s eyes; despite his immediate concern over its origin Fox decides to play along with their act, rationalizing that this is what she really wanted.

What she still wanted was Ethan after all…right?

“Ethan! What the hell are you doing? This isn’t any of your business!” Barely restraining the urge to lay Ethan out as he’d wanted to do ever since they were little kids; Fox realizes that his anger at him, though practically scripted, was very real nonetheless.

“Oh no? Well like it or not Fox, what happens to Theresa is still very much my business. And I’m not about to stand back while you take advantage of her.” Sizing him up quickly Fox deduced that Ethan was ready for a fight if he thought it necessary.

Well good ‘old Ethan may not think me the type to fight for my woman’s honor, but he’s got another thing coming. Whoa…where did that come from?

“Just because I’m married to Gwen doesn’t mean that I don’t still care about Theresa. And I won’t let you hurt her!”

“Hurt her? And why would you automatically assume that I would be hurting her or trying to take advantage of her? Oh wait…don’t say it. Let me…because that’s what I do right? I couldn’t possibly care about a woman like Theresa, or any woman for that matter. I just don’t have it in me.”

Ethan’s blank stare prompts Fox to continue as he found that he was suddenly eager to get all this emotional baggage between them out in the open. It did briefly occur to him however that Theresa was remaining suspiciously quiet through this whole ordeal. He wondered what was going through that pretty head of hers.

“You know something Ethan, this holier than thou kick you’re on is getting old; because from where I’m standing you don’t have much room to talk. I don’t suppose it ever occurred to you that maybe you don’t know me as well as you seem to think you do. Because if you did then you’d know that that’s not what I’m all about. Not that I expect you to understand. You were after all the perfect child who could do no wrong; the shining apple of Mother’s eye. You never bothered yourself with getting to know your younger siblings. In fact, you hardly knew me or our sisters growing-up, and you know even less about us now that we’ve got lives of our own. So excuse me if I’m not the least bit surprised that you don’t know the first thing about my feelings for Theresa! And am I the least bit interested in what you think my intentions are!”

Choosing to stay quiet until now Theresa’s gaze pierces Fox’s as she steps toward him. Stopping to stand beside him, she runs a comforting hand along his shoulder and down his arm. At her touch Fox visibly relaxes against her. Amazingly his strength fuels her own resolve as she feels herself let go for the first time in ages; she finally felt ready to say the things she wanted Ethan to hear.

“I don’t think you of all people Ethan have earned the right to judge Fox. He’s a good man, and a loving person. And if you’d made any attempt to get to know him since he’s been back, then you’d know that already. He’s been the only one I can count on through this whole mess with your mother and Julian; a true friend.”

“Theresa, you think you know the real Fox; but trust me, you don’t.”

“Trust you? And why should I do that? Have you been trustworthy Ethan? Have you kept all your promises to me? Have you kept any of them?”

“Theresa that’s not fair.”

“Maybe, maybe not. The truth is I’ve forgotten who blames who for what anymore. But it doesn’t matter Ethan. Because you made your choice; you chose Gwen. You chose to marry her, and you’ve made it perfectly clear that now that she’s having your baby you’ll never leave her. And even though we both know that you love me, if I know you, and I do, you’ll keep your word to her. To her, you’ve never had a problem keeping your promises.”

Shaking his head shamefully as he recognizes the truth of that statement, Ethan tries once again to reason with her as Fox watches Theresa proudly.

“No Ethan. I don’t want to hear it. Because we both know that this isn’t about Fox. This is about the idea of Fox; the idea of my being with another man. And I won’t lie to you, there’s a part of me that loves that you’re so jealous. But there’s an even bigger part of me that’s finally seeing the hopelessness of our situation. And the truth is that it isn’t right.”

Taking a purposeful step toward Ethan she lowers her head to make him look at her, “And the worst part of it is that I’m not a teenager anymore. I’m a grown woman with a son of my own to think about now. And I have to start being responsible about this. And you know what Ethan…you do too, because you can’t have it both ways. You either want to be with me or you don’t. But you can’t leave me dangling by some string the rest of my life. If you don’t want to be with me then there’s nothing that I can do about that.”

As the words left her mouth she suddenly realized how true they were. Turning slightly to look at Fox she saw that he knew it too. The surprise in his eyes was unmistakable as she repeated her last words; their insurmountable truth ringing in her ears and finally sinking in.

“There’s nothing I can do,” she watched Fox intently as she moved toward him, certain of the comfort that she’d find in his arms, “Nothing but accept the truth for what it is and move on with my life.”

She felt the strength of his embrace enfold her and she suddenly felt empowered by it. For the first time since she’d lost Ethan, she didn’t feel alone anymore.

“You know Ethan…I’ve told you over and over again how much I love you. And there’s a part of me that will always love you because the love that we shared was and is very special to me. But I can’t go on like this for the rest of my life…wanting something so passionately that I know I can never have; waiting and hoping that someday you’ll realize that we belong together. I deserve better. My son deserves better. We deserve a real chance at happiness.”

Fox stared in amazement between Theresa and his half-brother, who at the moment looked like he was on the verge of tears himself as she continued.

“And you know something else, I have to believe Ethan that if you honestly love me as much as you say that you still do, knowing that you’re unwilling to leave Gwen…I have to believe that you wouldn’t want to see me live my life that way either.”

Nodding his agreement Ethan wipes at his eyes as the searing truth of her next words hangs in the air between them, “And if this is the way that it’s going to be…then you don’t have any more control over who I choose to be with then I did when you chose Gwen.”

“I know,” he quietly mutters. The magnitude of what’s just happened settles in around them until he speaks again under his breath. “And I do.”

Theresa looks up at him expectantly as he finishes his thought, “Love you that much.”

Unable to fight the tears any longer she whispers, “I know you do.”

Immediately sensing that Theresa needed his support, Fox pulls her tighter against him. Her head resting gratefully against his bare chest, the steady beat of his heart beneath her cheek quiets her raging emotions. All three of them pause for a long moment as Fox just holds her there, stroking her back in a calm rhythm that works to put both of them at ease.

Fox and Theresa were momentarily oblivious to the effect that their embrace was having on Ethan. They each missed the glaring look of disapproval that marred Ethan’s features.

In a very distinct moment of clarity Fox knew that if she’d let him, he’d hold her like this for the rest of their lives. He also recognized that whatever happened next between her and Ethan, he and Theresa would have plenty to talk about once she was ready.

Trading glances with his very disapproving half-brother, Fox wondered if the gap between them would ever be bridged; or if their mutual affections for Theresa would be the final wedge that would permanently tear them apart. One thing was certain in his mind though…Theresa was more than worth the risk.

Utterly amazed at the evenings turn of events Fox awkwardly breaks the long drawn out silence. “So…”

Sheepishly acknowledging his brother, Ethan takes two steps closer toward Fox, his earlier standoffishness abandoned as he extends a friendly hand. Fox takes it with only a hint of hesitation.

“Fox, I’m…I don’t even know what to say.”

“Forget it Ethan.”

“No. I was out of line. I shouldn’t have jumped on you the way I did. I at least owed you the benefit of the doubt. Obviously there’s quite a bit about you that I have left to learn. I’m sorry if I suggested…”

“Ethan it’s okay. I know you were just looking out for Theresa.” From her position still safely enfolded in Fox’s arms, Theresa admired the maturity with which the two men were handling the situation.

“Yeah, well I see now that she’s perfectly capable.” A brief smile covers Theresa’s lips at his comment.

“She certainly is.” Fox agrees. “But I do want you to know Ethan that I would never mistreat Theresa or hurt her. I couldn’t. I care about her too much.”

Fox effectively surprised everyone, including himself, when he realized without reservation how much he meant what he was saying; however the silence it caused between the two men was instantly uncomfortable as Ethan couldn’t help but take offense. He soon realizes however the innocence behind the comment and eventually nods his acceptance. Ethan shakes his brother’s hand and takes one last long look at Theresa before excusing himself for the night; his eagerness to retreat was not lost on any of them.

“Well, tonight’s been eventful. I think I’m going to head back to the apartment. I’ll uh…I guess I’ll see you two later.”

“Goodnight Ethan.” Theresa answers quietly.

“Yeah…goodnight.” Turning away from them both Ethan slowly makes his way back toward the club.

Watching as he leaves, Fox and Theresa are left to the heavy silence. Finally looking down at her, Fox encircles her small waist in his arms and turns her more fully against him.

Looking up at him she smiles wholeheartedly as she realizes just how relaxed and at ease her confrontation with Ethan had left her. She felt renewed, as if somehow a heavy burden that had been weighing her down for years had finally been lifted.

Noticing the damp trail left by her tears Fox tenderly lifts his hand to her cheek and gently wipes away the dampness.

“Wow,” is all he can muster. He was admittedly amazed at her strength; clearly the reality that she’d shunned for the last several years had set in for her tonight. Lowering his head he presses a languid kiss atop her forehead.

“And here I thought we were just acting,” he breathes as her eyes slip closed in anticipation.

“So did I,” she whispers in response.

Looking at her intently Fox asks the one question to which he knew neither had an easy answer.

“So now what?”

“Honestly Fox I’m not sure. I mean this whole thing comes as just as much a surprise to me as it does to you.”

“Yeah, I bet. It’s just that up until about twenty minutes ago all you wanted was Big Ethan. He’s all you ever talked about, all you thought about. I’m not sure where I even fit in here.” He told her honestly.

Nodding her understanding she tries to find the best way to approach this inevitable discussion.

“Well, we’ll get to that I promise. But first…I need to ask you something Fox.” Meeting his eyes openly now she asks him pointedly, “did you mean what you said earlier?”

Off his puzzled look she tries to clarify, “You know when you said that you cared me?”

“Oh.” The tenderness behind his smile and the sincerity in his eyes as he looks down at her stuns her into silence.

“Of course I did Theresa. I would never lie about something like that. The truth is that I care about you very much. You know, ever since I came back to Harmony you’re the only person that I feel really ‘gets’ me. We’re a lot alike you and I. I don’t know that I’ve ever had a friend like you Theresa.”

Smiling reassuringly she tells him simply, “Yes we are definitely good friends. But I think the real question I’m trying to ask here is…how much do you care about me? What am I to you Fox? Am I just a friend? When you look at me do you see anything more than that?”

In classic Fox fashion he playfully flirts with her, “Do you?”

“Uh uh…I asked you first.” Her unwavering stare is nearly his undoing.

“Theresa, you’re relentless.”

“So I’ve been told. Now answer the question Nicholas.”

“Ooh I love it when you call me by my first name. That tone that you use when you call me Nicholas is very sexy,” he teases in a voice so tempting it makes the hairs on the back of her neck stand straight up on end.

“Oh yeah? Well I’m glad you approve. Now answer the question,” she smiles despite herself.

“Theresa,” he tries to skirt the issue as best he can, “I’ve never been very good at relationships. I mean there’s a very good reason for that cheap reputation of mine.”

“Uh uh…I’m not buying it. Nothing about your so-called reputation has proven true in the past; you’re nothing like the other Crane men, nor are you anything like Ivy. Besides, you’re avoiding my question. That’s not what I asked you Fox. I need to know how you feel about me. Are we just good friends?”

Watching her carefully he knew that she was giving him an ‘out’ here; a chance to back peddle away from the responsibility of an intimate relationship with her. For the first time in his life, Fox was floored by the realization that he didn’t want an ‘out’; he wanted her and no one else.


“So we’re more?”

“We’re more Theresa. We’re much more.” Swallowing in excitement she watches him expectantly.

“How much more?”

“Theresa…when I first came back to Harmony, I admit I was strongly attracted to you. I don’t think I was ever subtle about that. You were an exciting challenge, and we had so much in common; there was our mutual distrust of the Cranes and my Mother, and our eagerness to stick it to my old man. But as we came to spend more and more time together we became friends. You’re the best, if not the only friend, that I’ve ever had. No one’s ever taken a genuine interest in getting to know me. But you Theresa, everyday you take me by surprise…always scratching beneath the surface trying to get to know the real me. You’ve never been intimidated by the fact that I’m a Crane, even though you know better than anyone the heartache the Crane name can cause. You’re the only person who’s ever really taken me seriously. And even more than that is knowing that you care enough about me to take the interest. You can’t know what that’s meant to me.”

Smiling up at him she listens carefully to every word as he grazes her cheek with the warmth of his palm. Her attentiveness was just another example in his mind of the kind of effort he was talking about.

“From the very beginning, when we’d sit up late and talk in your room at the mansion, I knew that I could trust you. Those were the most meaningful conversations I’ve ever had in my life Theresa. There was never anyone who made me feel like it was okay to open up to them…no one who ever listened. And ever since then we’ve only gotten closer.”

Lowering his hands from her face he brushes her shoulders and rubs warmth into her bare arms. “So if you’re asking me Theresa what you mean to me, then the answer to your question is simple. You started out as the best friend I’ve ever had, and now you’re dearer to me than anyone.”

He pauses as the emotion of the moment catches in his throat, “I love you Theresa. I have for some time.”

She was struck utterly breathless, “Fox…you never said anything.”

Incredulous though he was, the tone in his voice held more weariness than disbelief, “Why would I? Your every waking moment was consumed by Ethan. Why would I ever think that it would matter?”

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I just wish that I’d realized it sooner.”

“Would it have really made a difference?”

“Maybe…I don’t know. But when I think about all these months you’ve been here for me while I went on and on about Ethan…and since we’ve been here in LA posing as lovers to make him jealous…oh Fox, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. It’s not important how we got here. What is important is what happens now that you’ve confronted your feelings for Ethan. I know that must have been hard for you; and I’m so proud of you for finally handling it the way you did.”

“Yeah, the key word there being ‘finally’.”

“I didn’t mean…”

“No, I know,” she assures him with a palm lain against his bare chest.

“It’s okay, you’re right. The truth of my impossible situation has been staring me in the face for years now. I just refused to see it; always so determined to hang onto whatever glimmer of hope I saw for Ethan and I to be together someday. I realize now that all I’ve been doing is deluding myself; cheating myself out of the chance to be happy. My thinking all these years that Ethan would leave Gwen was nothing more a delusion. He may love me but the fact is that he’s made his choice, and I have to accept that for my own sake.”

Nodding his agreement Fox watches transfixed as she continues, “It’s time that I moved on Fox. It’s time that I stopped fantasizing about things that I’ll never have and start opening my eyes to what’s right in front of me.”

“Like what?” Her answer to his question is a quiet and meaningful stare; the fiery passion growing in her eyes is spellbinding. Swallowing in an effort to catch his breath, Fox tries his best to remain the voice of reason.

“Look Theresa, as much as I want this, us, to happen…maybe we shouldn’t rush into this. I meant what I said before; I care about you very much. And…I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I think we need to slow down a bit here.”

“What? Why?”

“It’s just that everything’s happened so fast with you and Ethan, and between you and me. It’s a lot to process in one night. I think we both just need to take some time to really consider our next step.”

“What is there to think about Fox? You told me you love me.”

“Yes, and I do. It’s just that I’m…I’m…” Looking at her now he didn’t know why it was so difficult to find the words to express his fear to her, she was his best friend and he knew he could tell her anything.

“Theresa, I’ve never been the kind of guy that likes the rebound position. And I know that you want to move on with your life but I’m not sure that you’re ready to jump into a relationship right now. You’ve been so hung up on Ethan for so long; I just want you to be sure that this is what you want. I don’t want to be your consolation prize.”

Suddenly realizing how that must have sounded he quickly cuts her off before she can speak her protest, “And I don’t mean for that to sound harsh Theresa. I know that you’d never intentionally do that. All I’m saying is that if I’m not sure that you’re ready to move on, then that’s how I’ll feel.”

Recognizing that he needed this space to talk she simply stood in wait for him to finish as he carefully put some space between them.

“I need you to be sure because I want this to work Theresa. And I’m willing to wait for however long it takes for you to be that sure.”

Dumbstruck into complete silence she watches with baited breath as his voice drops to a tender whisper.

“I want us to be together. And someday I want us to be a family. I know I’ll probably never measure up to my half-brother, but I want to be the one to build a life with you Theresa. I want to share with you all things that I never had growing up…love and family.” The tenderness in his voice as he spoke about the promise of a future together made tears well in her eyes; she was so incredibly touched to hear that he thought of her son in that way.

“So I’ll wait for you,” lifting his hand to her cheek he gently wipes away the fallen tears. “Because I’m confident that when the time is right things will fall into place the way they’re meant to. But it won’t happen until you’re ready, because I don’t think that rushing into this would be fair…to any of us.”

Taking a moment to swallow and compose herself Theresa presses her palms against his chest and caresses him there, “Fox…what if I told you that you wouldn’t have to wait?”

The surprise in his voice is laced with his wanton need to hold her closer, as the sensations she was causing with her caress were driving him crazy.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that I wouldn’t have been able to do what I did tonight if I wasn’t ready to move on. I realize now that the only reason that I was able to stand up to Ethan was because I recognized that it was time for me to move past him. Some part of me somewhere understood that this was my chance to start anew. And I only came to that realization tonight…when we kissed.”

Touched and eager though he was to hear her admit these things, Fox was determined to remain level-headed, “But Theresa, this wasn’t our first kiss.”

“In a way though it was; it was our first kiss that was all about you and me.”

“You and me? Theresa you practically jumped me when you thought Ethan was coming. You wanted him to see us. You kissed me to make him jealous!”

“It is true that I was startled when I thought I heard him…but think before that Fox. If Ethan hadn’t shown up when he did I would have kissed you anyway. I wanted to kiss you so badly my body quivered with it.”

Upon hearing those words his disbelief was long forgotten and he could feel the familiar stirring of desire that she so often elicited in him taking over once again.

“For the first time ever in my life I wanted to give myself to someone other than Ethan…I wanted to give myself to you. It’s that more than anything that finally woke me up and gave me the strength to give Ethan up for good.”


Nodding slowly she continues quietly as he watches her with baited breath, “Really. I see now that I’ve been in love with you too.” His eyes close as he savors the words. “Our little ‘charade’ as lovers, and what happened out there on that dance floor, those were real expressions of my love for you. I just disguised them as something else because I thought that what I wanted was Ethan back. What I really wanted was to be close to you.”

“Is that right?” He asks playfully as he draws her closer into his warmth, so close that not even air separates them; her hands continued to run along his chest driving him infinitely closer toward the brink of insanity.

“Fox, you make me feel things that I never felt with Ethan. And I don’t ever want to hear you say again that you won’t measure up to him in my eyes. You don’t have to. Because I want all those beautiful things that you want too; and I want them with you.”

Never in his wildest dreams did Fox ever think he would hear her say these things to him.

“I know that you want to take things slowly and ease me into this, and I love that you’re so concerned about me, but it’s just not necessary. I already know that I want to be with you Fox. I think on some level I’ve always known it, I’ve just never let myself admit how important you are to me until now.”

“But that’s just it Theresa. Why now all of the sudden are you so sure it’s me that you want and not Ethan?”

“I can’t explain it except to say that I think I’ve known it for awhile, but I held back because I always knew that if I let myself love you…I wouldn’t ever want to let you go.”

“Would that be so bad?”

“No,” she shakes her head slightly, “but it certainly didn’t fit with what I was so determined to have.”

“You mean a life with Ethan,” he adds as she nods her agreement.

“I just never thought it would be possible that I could love anyone else. And if I’m being honest, I think it scared me when I realized how much I loved you.”


“I don’t know if this is going to make any sense Fox, but if I’d admitted to myself that I loved you that much, then in a way I’d also be admitting that everything I’d fought to save these past three years was irrelevant. I just couldn’t accept that I’d wasted so much of my life wanting someone who was never going to give me a second chance to begin with.”

More nervously she admits quietly, “And even more than that was the thought that I might lose you too.” Lifting her eyes to penetrate his, Fox couldn’t help thinking that he would be lost in their intensity. “I barely survived it with Ethan; I don’t think I could again if I ever lost you Fox.”

“Theresa”, his soothing calm voice no louder than a whisper, “you could never lose me”.

Smiling tenderly up at him she replies, “But I didn’t know that then.”

Nodding his understanding Fox watched her intently. He was suddenly aware that for all of the strength the woman before him possessed she was also as vulnerable as any woman could be. Behind the tough exterior that she rarely let anyone through, Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald was preciously flawed by her fears and insecurities.

Inching closer she brings her body flush against him as her lips hover a breath away from his, “And the amazing thing to me is that as much as I tried to fight it, and for as long as I tried to deny it, I couldn’t stop myself from loving you. Even though it’s made me question everything I believe. I want you Fox. I’ve wanted you for so long…and it’s finally more than I can stand.”

The last shred of his resolve gone Fox’s lips descend on hers as he hungrily devours her mouth; the passion of their earlier kiss pales in comparison to the desire fueling them now. Desperately grasping at his last bit of control, Fox consciously slows his wandering hands and instead gently pulls away from the fury of their passion. He knew that if they continued at this pace he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from taking her right here, and he still wanted to be smart about this.

“Theresa…if we don’t slow down now I’m going to end up making love to you on this very public beach.”

The rough husky tone in his voice was a sign to her that he’d been as excited as her by their kiss. Nodding in timid agreement she makes a conscious effort to control her ragged breathing, but his heady masculine scent was wrecking havoc on her senses. She just wanted to curl up against him and burrow her lips into the warmth of his neck; she could nuzzle her head there and stay indefinitely. The warmth of his skin and the steady beat of his heart were equally tempting and calming.

Sensing her eagerness Fox tries his best to soothe the situation, “Theresa…maybe we should be heading back to the apartment. It’s getting late.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Her eyes fixed on him as he gently took her small hand into his and interlaced their fingers. Pausing to lay a tender kiss against the inside of her wrist, Fox leads them hand in hand back down the beach toward the Crane Apartment.

The clashing of the breaking waves coupled with the invigorating salt air nearly mesmerized her and as they continued their walk Theresa found herself contemplating her future; for the first time in a long time she realized that her future held some promise.

However a nagging question kept haunting her as Theresa found herself wondering aloud, “So now what?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well…what happens next? I don’t want you to think that I’m pressuring you into anything Fox, but it seems to me that we’re both determined to make our relationship work. And I can’t help but wonder how we’re going to do that.”

He looks puzzled, “How we’re going to do that?” He stops them at the water’s edge.

“Fox, we can’t pretend that the distance won’t matter. You’ve just moved here to LA and I’m going to be leaving soon for Harmony…”

With a hand to her lips Fox interrupts her train of thought. “Theresa…I love you. And I agree that it would be too hard for us to maintain a long-distance relationship.”

“You do?” Fear suddenly grabbed ahold of her as she found herself instantly regretting having ever brought up the subject. Reading the unease in her eyes Fox folds her against him in the cradle of his arms, leaving no room for doubt that this was where she belonged.

“Maybe I wasn’t clear about something…when I said that I had hopes that we could be a family someday, I meant that I plan on our having a future together. I’m coming home with you Theresa.”

“You are?”

“Of course I am. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

Laughing in excitement she can barely contain her happiness, “But you had so many plans.”

“And now I have new plans. I came out here to find love and to build a home. I’ve wanted those things with you Theresa. I’d just lost hope that you wanted them too, at least with me. But one thing is perfectly clear to me now…my home is wherever you are. So when you get on that plane back to Harmony, you’d better believe that I’ll be with you.”

“I can’t believe it. You’d really leave all this behind for me?”

“In a heartbeat. Besides…what I’m leaving behind pales in comparison to what I’ll be getting from a life with you Theresa.”

“I love you Fox.”

The thrill of their new closeness exhilarated her; and her declaration had come so naturally that Theresa was left to wonder how she’d denied herself the pleasure of his love for long.

Theresa’s romantic utterance was music to his ears as Fox pulled her tighter in against his warmth and kissed her thoroughly. Their bodies melded as one as they relished in the sweet surrender of their immeasurable passion.


“Hmm…” her were cheeks flushed, and her breathe was shallow from the fervor of their embrace.

“Let’s go home,” his voice was little more than a raspy whisper.

“I thought you’d never ask,” she answers with a smile as he once again takes her hand in his and leads them down the shoreline. The salty gusts of the late-night breeze blew through Theresa’s hair, sending her tresses in wild directions. As she lifts her free hand to tuck it behind one ear, Fox pulls their entwined hands to his lips and lays a kiss to her wrist. Then wrapping his arm around her waist he tucks her snuggly into his warmth as they manage the rest of the walk to the apartment.

Yes…this was heaven Theresa knew. Just as she knew that the security of their love would blanket them and become their safe haven from the craziness of their families. For as exciting as the discovery of their love was, Theresa knew that things were bound to get out of control once Ivy learned of their relationship. She’d been very clear in her attempts to ruin Theresa; now Theresa was left to wonder what she’d try to do to her when word of her and Fox got out.

As troublesome as that thought was however, Theresa was certain that the Cranes would bring trouble of all sorts into their lives. And while it was unclear what trials lie ahead for her and Fox, Theresa took comfort in knowing that she’d find solace in Fox’s arms. From this moment on, regardless of what would come, they would find solace in love.
