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Welcome to the Biomedical Research Centre Lab 007

Facilities in laboratory:


·         Unicam UV2 UV-VIS spectrometer with thermostat

·         -50 0C Christ alpha 1-4 freeze-dryer

·         -80 0C VirTis freeze-dryer


·         TGA: Stanton Redcroft TG 760 furnace, balance controller and UTP temperature, Carbolite Ovens

·         Quantachrome Nova3200e surface area and pore size analyser

·         Dionex gradient HPLC with pulsed amperometric and UV detection

·         Magna-IR spectrometer 750

·         Beckmann XL-90 Ultracentrifuge (80000 rpm)

·         Sorvall RT7 plus (3000 rpm)

·         Microfuges

·         TIM865 Titration Manager (Autotitrator)

·         SV-10 Vibro Viscometer

·         Radiometer CDM230 conductivity meter

·         Radiometer PHM250 ion analyser

·         Microlab 500 auto liquid dispenser


Central Facilities


·         Coulter N4 plus photon correlation spectrometer with a He-Ne (632.8nm) laser supply

·         JEOL JSM-840A scanning electron microscope (with elemental analysis facility)

·         JEOL 2010 transmission electron microscope

·         Confocal microscope

·         JEOL JNM-EX270 FT NMR-spectrometer

·         XRD