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Biomineralization for lithography and microelectronics

An externally funded one year research fellow position is available starting in November 2006 within Biomolecular and Materials Interface Research Group in the School of Biomedical & Natural Sciences, Nottingham Trent University.


The objective of this project, undertaken in collaboration with European partners, is the integration of nature-mimic biomineralization processes with micro- and nanofabrication. We plan to exploit the unique features of biosilica forming biomolecules for the realization of patterned, aligned assembly of silica fibers, and their employment as insulating layers for prototype transistor devices. Specific tasks include materials synthesis (silica) and characterisation and the study of surface chemistry including protein-surface interactions.  For further background on the research group including research topics currently under investigation and publications arising from the group please refer to the website: Biomolecular and Materials Interface Research Group.


The position would suit a highly motivated person with interest in both inorganic materials chemistry and surface patterning and analysis. The project offers an excellent opportunity for candidates to learn and contribute to the emerging area of “nanobiotechnology”. The successful candidate will hold a first degree in chemical sciences or materials science with a Ph.D. and expertise relevant to this project. Additionally you will have experience of conducting experiments and analysing data and possess good organisational and presentation skills.

For informal enquiries including specific information on the project and application procedure, please contact Professor Carole C. Perry: tel. +44 (0) 115 848 6695.


Updated: 8th October 2006